Chapter Eighty Seven

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My vision is getting more blurry with every seconds that passed. I have nowhere to go right now. The scene earlier came flashing back. How Sin betrayed me and lied about his relationship with Mara. The nerve of him to even deny it in front of my face makes me sick to my stomach. I feel nauseated.

I let my feet take me anywhere just as long as it's far away from that place. The thought of them having sex in that room, being all over each other is like driving a knife straight to my chest.

His words played in my head for the millionth time. Those times where he would tell me how much he loves and that he'll die if anything bad is gonna happen to me. And that time where he said he wanted us to get pregnant again but I refused. it because of that? I shook the thought from my head. Of course it's never about that. He's just the way he is. A manipulative narcissistic asshole.

But I know I am to blame too. I never should've believed him even from the start. How dare him crush my life like this. He made so many promises only to break them in the end.

A loud honk got me out of those thoughts. I gasped when I realize that the car is only inches away from colliding with my body.

My knees wobble with the sight and the stress building up inside me. But before my body hit the ground, a pair of arms catched me by my waist. I didn't bother to look up. I was too tired to even look around me.

"Hey, are you out of your fucking mind?" A deep voice spoke. I pull my body away from him and my eyes darted to those grey eyes, pale skin guy, in front of me.

"I'm..I..sorry" I couldn't even get those words out anymore. I'm just really tired and exhausted from all that has happened. All that I need right now is to just shut my eyes while I run a hot shower over my body. I want to erase all the memories I have with him.

"Hey, are you okay?" He spoke again with an attempt to get closer to inspect me. He must have noticed my body flinching every time a car drove past us.

"Y-yes..No..I" And just like that, tears began to pour down my eyes once more. It just wouldn't stop.

"Hey hey now, don't cry. I'm sorry for shouting at you" The guy apologized but I couldn't keep myself from crying and sobbing. I was not able to look at the man until he cups my cheek and wipe my tear stains away.

A gasp escape my mouth once he lifts me up bridal style and carry me to his car.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Don't worry, I just need to get us off the street. We're causing a traffic, see" He smiles a big smile and my mouth fell open once I get a full view of his face. He looks like one of those guy model ripped out from a magazine. Grey eyes, raven black hair, perfect jaw and his height that towers over me.

"O-okay" Was all I could muster.

He gently let go of me so I could sit on the passenger seat while he hurriedly went to the other side and once seated, he quickly started the engine.

"Sorry about that" I manage to speak with my hands still trembling from the scene earlier.

"As long as you're okay then it's all good" He gaze at my direction before his eyes darted back to the busy road.

"I saw you come out of that hotel. You seemed..distressed. Is everything alright?" He mutters with a bit of worry on his voice.

"Y-yes..I just visited a friend" I say. I shut my eyes for a second and bite my inner cheeks to stop myself from shedding a tear once again.

My SinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant