A trap!

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Emily sent me a text saying "Mom and dad are out grocery shopping. Come over for a while?"

I texted back "Okay, I'm coming now."

As I started walking to the house, I looked at Daniel's house. I stopped at my tracks and bit my lip. I wonder what they're doing in there right now? What ever it is, I shouldn't care at all.

I start walking again while playing with my fingers. I do love Daniel...as a friend of course. I just don't want to break his heart or stop being friends with him. That's why I'm trying to avoid him, but he makes it even harder by showing up, telling me that I'm beautiful, and kissing me!

That isn't suppose to be right! Although the kiss felt magical...no! Cassie! Stop that!

......look at me.. I'm talking to my own self!

I was just about to climb up Emily's window, but something didn't feel right at all..It was strange actually.

I quickly swooped insinde the window, until I felt electicity inside my system. Mother of god! This really hurt! And it's not even funny.

But what's worse is that my mother tazed me.

She got on her knees and tied me up with rope, but it wasn't no ordinary rope. It was covered with Vervain.

Vervain is a vampires weakness. It can cause burning to the skin, which is happening right now!

"Let me go!" I roared at her. I tried to struggle out the rope, but the more I struggle, the more my skin burns.

"Okay. Pop quiz." she said with a smirk, dipping a knif in vervain. I shut my eyes tightly, afraid.

Where was the sweet and innocent mother that I use to know and love? She can't be gone! Why wont she understand that I'm still her little girl?

She walked infront of me, playing with her dagger. "I knew that you have been seeing Emily. Now tell me, does she know what you are?" she asked with the blade up against my neck. I shook my head yes, breathing heavy.

"Where you going behind my back the whole time?" she asked with firm in her voice.

"She's my sister, I deserve to see her!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

She slowly ran the blade across my neck, making it feel pain as possible. I screamed loud enough for someone to hear me.

She got up from her knees and grabbed her black bag that was right behind her. She took out a small container that had yellow powder.

"You don't belong here anymore Cassie." she mumbled.

"I wasn't gonna hurt her! I would never do that to her mom! What gives you the right to abuse your daughter!?" I yelled at her.

"Shut up." she mumbled while opening the top of the container, putting some on the powder in her hand.

"No! Im tired of you telling me that! I am still your daughter mom. Why part don't you understand? So what? Who cares if I'm a vampire? I don't drink human blood." I said loud and clear.

She turned her head to me while taking her blade out. She sliced her arm while showing me it right infront of my face.

"If you fail, you lie" she said with anger.

Her blood started sliding down her arm, ready to be tasted. I said 'I dont drink human blood' I didn't say that 'I can controll it if I see it'.

I pressed my lips together hard enough so my fangs wouldn't show. But it was too late, I opened my mouth wide.

Thankfully, my mom whipped it clean and frowned dissapointed. "You fail."

She blew that powdered dust in my face, causing my eyes to burn for a while.

I started feeling wozzy. The last thing that I remember was my dads voice and me passing out.


A/N: So guysss, what do you think?

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I won't be continuing this until I see some comments and/or votes :3

This will be on hold for now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2013 ⏰

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