New family, new house

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5:00 am. I was sitting ontop of my roof watching the sun rise. My eyes felt tired, which ment I was hungry. Might as well go hunt for something.

I jumped on the roof and landed on the ground safety. My house was right next to the woods. Which means, there's plenty of deers and rabbits to feed on.

The scent of a deer gotten stronger. As I climbed up a tall tree, the deer was spotted. It was right down below, eating.

I hopped down and grabbed hold on it's neck. As it crys for help, I twist it's neck, and start to feed.

I don't enjoy feeding on innocent animals. I hate it. There's nothing that I can do about it.

It's the only way to survive.

I either feed on animal or human blood or don't feed on anything.

I can still eat human food, it's just that I have to drink blood too. When you're a vampire, you will always have to feed on blood. Either human or animal.

I disagree on drinking human blood. It's like I'm a vegetarian .

As I stopped sucking the deer dry, I whipped my mouth and walked back home. However, I felt something wrong.

I smelt someone, it was actually more than 1 person.

Something is deffinatly wrong. I started running back home as fast as I could.

"Daniel! Go help you're mother with the bags!" a loud voice called. I hid behind a bush and looked at a man with brown bushy hair who walked inside the house with luggages. Just then, a 'move in' truck came in the parking lot.

Looks like I'll be moving again. It's kidna sad because I've lived in this house for 5 years already.

A woman with wavy ginger hair pulled her luggages with her. "Hurry up Danny!" she said.

"Comming mom!" a brown haired boy said. I'm guessing he was Daniel. I couldn't really see his face. He was covered by a bunch of bags.

He was the last one to walk inside, then the movers came to help with the furniture. I need to pack my things!

I climbed up on the walls and climbed inside my window. I hurried and packed all of my stuff before anyone came in.

"Daniel, start getting ready for school!" Daniel's mom shouted.

"But mom, what about unpacking? Can't I just go tommorow?" Daniel winned.

"Your'e father will take care of that. Now get ready."

I was ready to leave out the window, but instead, I hid under the bed when I heard foot steps walking up the stairs.

The bedroom door opened, and Daniel came in, plopping on the bed.

I heard him sigh. "I miss you Natalie." he mumbled. He sound sad. Just then, his mother came in.

"Danny, you have to get ready." she said. He groaned and got out of bed. "I know you miss her, but now's not the time to think about her."

"How can I not think about my dead girlfriend? I know you would think about dad alot if he was dead."

"Daniel Santiago!" she yelled in shock.

No one said anything. It was a dead silence

She sighed and left the room while Daniel grabbed his bag and searched for his clothes.

"Mom! There are bags in here!"

Damnit! my bags!

"is it your's?!" she asked from downstairs.

"If it were my bags,then I wouldn't be asking you now would I?" he mumbled.

"I heard that mister!" she shouted

I looked at the time on my watch. 5:45.

"Your father with deal with it." she said.

Daniel went inside the bathroom, and it was my time to shine.

I got out from under the bed and grabbed my bags quickly and flew out the window.

That was close. I swung my backpack over my should and ran fast threw the woods. I hid my other bag that had all my stuff, in a safe place and started walking back.

As I was walking to school, I looked back at my old home that I use to cherish.

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