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At the end of the day, I started to walk back to Daniel's house to get my bags, which was still hidden in the bushes

As I walked far away from the school, almost three blocks away, I immediately sensed  something. And it wasn't human.

I followed the scent, which was another female vampire!

I thought I was the only one here!?

I figured she was going to the woods by Daniel's house.I can tell that she was hungry.

As I got closer behind her, she had dark brown curly hair.

Suddenly, we both sensed a deer. Right when she was about to attack her prey, I ran and pushed her to the ground.

"No please, please don't hurt me! Please!" she cried.

She wasscared to death. I kinfda figured she was a new born.

"Why would I hurt you?" I asked confused.

I got off of her and helped her up.

She looked at me from top to bottom.

"Are you a.."

"Vampire?" I finished her sentence. "Sadly, yes"

"Then, how are you still alive?" she asked me with her widen eye's

"What do you mean?"

She turned away from me, but I jut grabbed her arm before she trys to run.

"Hunters. They're looking for us." she said

"And, you know this, because?"

"I'm their tracker!" she cried.

I realesed her arm so she can sit on the ground. As I sat down next to her, I noticed that she was going threw alot by looking at her innocent face.

She lifted her shirt from her back to show me scars.

"You think that's worst?" she showed me her stomatch. "Try getting tazed when you do something wrong."

Her voice started getting shaky as she spoke.

"If you're their tracker, then why aren't they here?"

She sighed. "I was one lucky vampire in Florida. Alexander, the one who turned me, helped me escape. He can never be caught by any hunter. He told me to come here in California."

"Why here?" I asked.

She smiled a little. "I asked him the same thing. Maybe he knew you were here too.Maybe he turned you."

"Yeah, maybe" I said unconvinced.

She stood up from the ground and whiped her tears.

"I'm Cassie Amberry by the way. You can call me Case if you like." I smiled and stood up next to her.

"Well Case, my name is Natalie Evans" she grinned "and I believe I know why Alex wanted me to come here. He know's that you can take care of yourself. You have to help me Case."

She wraped her arms around me, laying her head on my left shoulder.

"You're my only hope." she whispered.

Poor Nat.

I understand how much trouble she can get if hunters found her.

I hugged her, and rubbed her back. "I promise Nat. No one's going to hurt you anymore."

As we stopped hugging eachother, I told her to go hunt. She looked like she hasn't eaten for days.

I walked back to Daniel's house to get my bags. Once I got them, I heard someone call my name.

I turned around to see Daniel.

"Oh, Hey Daniel.." I said nervously.

"What are you doing here?" he chuckled.

"Um well, I was just. Um..."

Wow, I couldn't really explain anything to him.

"Cassie, I'm done with my food" Natalie sang.

I turned around to see that she had a little bit of blood on the side of her lip.

"Natalie!?!" Daniel questioned in shock.

"Daniel!?!" She said with her eyes wide open.

"Cassie!?!" I smiled, playing along.

They looked at me with their straight faces. Yep. That wasn't a good time to say something.

"What the hell is going on!?" He walked towards Natalie and started touching her face.

"How is this possible!? I thought you were dead!? Why-"

Natalie grabbed his face and kissed him before he can say anything else.

I turned away a little.

Drama...I love it!

Natalie pulled back slowly and stared at him for a while.

"I'm sorry" she feared. She twisted his neck and Daniel fell to the ground.

"What the hel did you do!?" I exclaimed, running to Daniel's cold body.

"Relax, I didn't kill him. He's just unconscious. It's something that Alex taught me."

I went to check his pulse just in case.

"Case, when he wakes up, you can't tell him that I'm alive. Not like this." she said as she carried him.

I didn't know what to say. First of all, how do they know eachother...

Then, I started to remember when Daniel yelled at his mother about his dead girlfriend.

"Wait...Natalie! You're Daniel's girlfriend."

I could tell that Daniel was heavy for her, so she dragged him by his arms instead.

"Less talking, more helping." she commanded me, trying to change the subject.

I grabbed both of Daniel's legs and help Natalie carry him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Where should we take him?" she asked, changing the subject again.

I take that as a no.

I told her to let go of Daniel so I can carry him.

As I carried him, I told her to follow me.

"How can you carry him? He weighs about one-hundred of pounds" she whinned.

"You're so lucky you have me. From now on, you're gonna need more blood"

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