The 'new' girl

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As I sat outside, waiting for Daniel to pick me up, I noticed that Natalie was on the roof.

I quickly ran behind the house and climbed ontop of the roof.

Natalie was hugging her legs while looking at the sun rise.

I sat next to her while waiting for Daniel.

"You know..sometimes, I wonder what it'll be like if I go to school again."

I shrugged. "Maybe you can. You can't stay away from Daniel forever."

Natalie may be over protective of Daniel, but I understand how she feels about him.

"Hey Cassie!" I heard Daniel. I looked to see him standing by his car with a shock expression.

"What the hell are you doing up on the roof?" he laughed.

I turned my head and noticed that Natalie was gone.

"I uh..was just waiting for you dipstick!" I announced while standing up to climb in my window.

Natalie was standing by my other window, looking at Daniel.

I patted her on her shoulder.

"See you later." I said.

I swung my bag and started to walk down the stairs.

I kinda felt bad for Natalie. Being alone.

As I ran back to my room, forgetting my phone, she was gone.

"Nat?" I called out to her.

Then I noticed that the window was open.

Eh, she probably went off hunting.

I grabbed my cell and ran back down stairs. I opened my door to see Daniel still by his car.

"Took you long enough" he joked.

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards his teal chevy truck.

"What, no hug?" he asked with a fake sad expression.

He opened his arms out wide, waiting for me to hug him.

As I walked towards him, I leaned my head on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around his waist.

A few seconds later, I let go of him and try to pull away from him.

"Danny, let go. We have school." I giggled.

He shook his head while picking me up.

"Daniel! Put me down. Your so dead!" I shouted between laughter.

He started to spin me around in circles.

As I just noticed that he had a nice strong back.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

I started to tickle his back.

"Okay!Okay! You win!" he laughed.

He put me down and chuckled.

I hopped in the rear end instead of the passanger seat.

"Uh Case? There isn't any seat belts here." he said, raising his eyebrow.

I shrugged while laying down on the car.

Daniel looked down at before starting his car.

"You are one weird rebel" he smirked.

I giggled while looking back at my house as Danny starts his car.

As I let the wind blow through my hair, I take my blue sunglasses out of my backpack.

Soon, we were already at school.

I jumped out of the car and started to walk with Daniel.

Once we entered the school, tons of girls screamed.

I felt like I was in  Justin Bieber's concert.

Me and Daniel walked to our lockers.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school, then maybe we can have dinner with my parent's at my house." Danny said, grabbing everything that he needed.

After I took my books out, I closed my locker while rubbing my neck.

"Sure. I don't have anything planned so, why not." I smiled.

We entered Ms. Pearl's class room.

I walked to the back of the class room while Daniel sat infront of me.

Once the whole class came, Ms Pearl came in with a smile.

"Goodmorning class. I would like to announce that we have another student that will be joining us for the rest of the school year. She came all the way from Florida. Please welcome, Natalie Portman."

My mouth hung wide open.


What the hell has she done to her hair?

I notice that Daniel had dropped his pencil.

She must of dyed her hair a red velvet color.

Once she saw me, she smiled widely.

"Hi Cassie!" she cheered while running to me for a hug.

She started to giggle.

What the hell has she done?

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