This is a disaster!

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Once the bell rang, I grabbed Natalie arm and dragged her out of the classroom.

I shoved her against the locker. "Are you crazy or something?" I wasn't really angry at her. I was pretty shocked.

She flashed a smile at me. "I want to come back to school. You were right, I can't stay away from Daniel forever"

Natalie opened her locker that was right next to Daniel's

It's funny how we all know eachother. Except that Daniel knows Natalie Evans, not 'Natalie Portman'.

Daniel came out of Ms. Pearl's class with same expression he had when he laid eyes on Natalie.

"Natalie?" Daniel's voice was shaking.

She turned to Daniel with a grin. "Yes?" she asked sweetly.

He started at her more than 20 seconds, and hurried past her.

We watched him run down the hall until he disapeared.

I slapped Natalie's arm, causing her to sqeal.

"That wasn't verey nice Nat. He know's that it's you." I growled.

She shook her head in disagreement. "He won't. He won't know it's me."

I rolled my eyes. "Your just hurting him more by showing up out of the blue."

I ran down the hall to find Daniel to see if he was okay.

As I past by the gym, I saw Daniel sitting on the bench with his hands covering his face. He was already changed into his gym clothes.

I walked towards him and kneeled down while touching his cheeks.

"You okay?" I whispered to him.

He said somthing that I couldn't hear him clearly.

"What?" I questioned.

"Natalie...she looks like her.She looks like my ex-girlfriend" he whispered faintly.

He lifted his head up and stares at me, face-to-face.

"That's not the Natalie that you know. Natalie's last name is Evans, not Portman."

He gave me a smug expression. "How did you know her last name was Evans?"



Here comes the story teller.

"Um..that night when you ran into a tree and passed out, I heard you say that you wanted to marry this girl called Natalie Evans." I lied.

His face relaxed a little.

Soon, kids started coming in the gym. Including Natalie.

Daniel took one deep breathe and whiped his tears.

"Can you just. Keep Natalie away from me? This is to...weird." he sniffed.

I nodded. "Sure. I can do that."

He cracked a smile. "Your amazing you know that?"

He stood up and jogged over to Mr. Rodrigo.

As I ran my fingers through my hair, I sensed that Natalie was right behind me.

"You heard, didn't you?" I said. I turned my head forward, noticing that her she was feeling disapointed. "You did this to youself you know. Daniel is hurt because of you."

I sat on the floor to tie my left shoe laces.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said!" I inturupted her rudly. "I said you couldn't hide from Daniel forever. I didn't say that you had to change who you are."

I stood up and started to walk to the girls locker room.

"Then, what should I do?" she whinned.

I sighed.

Will she ever understand?

"Right now?...Nothing..there's nothing that you can do Natalie."

I left her standing there, looking gloomy.

Am I right or wrong?

She made things more complicated.

Daniel feels confused.

Natalie is confused.

And I'm stuck in the middle.

Does Natalie expect me to tell Daniel what she is? Or what we are?

I think NOT.

We can never be together -ON HOLD-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz