My story

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I can never look back to my mortal life ever again. That was just someone who had everything. A normal life. A boyfriend that would never leave your sight. A family that will always love you. Friends that will listen to you.

Well everything changed.

I still go to school, but everyone looks at me different now. They all know me as 'the freak', but I don't care.

I have no friends at all. I thought I could depend on my bestfriend, who is now my ex-bestfriend. Debbie. She knows what I am, and promised me that she will never tell anyone. After that, she stopped talking to me.

As for my ex-boyfriend, Jesse, well he just had to find out on his own. He caught me drinking a blood bag in my room. He wasn't suppose to find out at all, but I didn't care if he found out or not. I knew he's been cheating on me after the accident.

Not only he was scared of me, he was also mad that I didn't tell him. Either way, I knew we were going to break up sooner or later.

Ever since I turned into a demon, I started to care less about things now.

The day of the accident-- the day I died-- was just an ordinary day. I was at a party having fun with Jesse and Debbie. I had to drive them both home because they were so wasted! I was a little drunk meself, but not as much as them.

We were almost to Debbie's house, and for some reason, I got distracted with Jesse talking nonsense. He asked me to marry him in the bottom of the ocean where all the fishes bow beneath their feet. That made me burt out laughing.

I should of known that something was going to happen in a heart beat. We all got into a car crash, all because of me. The last thing I saw was someone walking towards my car. He got on his knees and looked at me.

"Please." I said weakly. "Help us."

"Shhh" he said softly. He had a beautiful voice. "Drink this. Trust me, I'm helping you."

I opened my mouth wide enough for him to pour some red liquid. It was discusting! I don't think I've ever tasted any this discusting in my life.

"Your gonna be okay" he said stroking my cheek. "Close your eyes my dear." I did what I was told and shut my eyes close.

 "Yes, 911?" was the last thing I heard from the him guy.

I woke up in shock. I was breatheing heavy in a hospital bed with a major headache. "Cassie!" I heard the sound of my mother weeping.

I opened my eyes slowly to see body figures in the room. I rubbed them just to see Jesse, Debbie,and my family in the room. Including Debbie and Jesse's family.

My mother ran to me with tears in her eyes. "How is this possible?" my father asked. "A miracle happened." my mother answered. A miracle? What was she talking about? I looked at them with a confused expression. Jesse explained to me how the doctor said that I was going to die. Their was nothing that the doctor could do.

That guy! The guy that made me drink that awful stuff..he saved me

Mother was right. A miracle did happen. The doctor came rushing in with his mouth wide open. If he didn't close his mouth, then flies will fly in his mouth.

Then the nurse walk past him, walking towards me. "Miss Amberry, someone wanted me to give you this letter." I looked at her strangely. "From who?" I asked. "The man didn't tell me his name" and she walked away without letting me say anything else.

I opened the letter that read:

Dear Cassie,

If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead right now..well..your still dead. You understand what I mean..soon. I'm writing this letter to you because I want you to know that thing will be different now. A miracle didn't happen. It was because of me. I saved you. You had a perfect life when you were human, now its time to say good bye to that life. You might be thinking "Who is this?". You will find out...when the time is right.

                                                                                                            -Love, a good friend.

What the hell? What did he or she ment. "You had a perfect life when you were human." I'm still a human. I bet someone is trying to mess with me.

"Who is from honey?" my mom asked. I sighed. "A good friend" I guess...

Later that night, I was still in the hospital. Tommorow I could come back home. Great, because the hospital makes me depressed.

I woke up to the smell of something good. I was really thirsty. Like never before. I walked out of my room, following that amazing scent. The scent kept getting stronger and stronger.

I walked in a room that only said "Employees only!". As I entered the room, I knew I've reached my destination. A rush of thirst came running throgh my body. Everything was happening so quick that I had no idea what I was doing.

A few minutes later, I woke upon the cold floor with an empty blood bag on my hand.Where am I? I stood up and was in shock. There were about fourteen blood bags around the room. Okay, this is weird I thought. I ran back to my room really quick.

How did that happen? Usually I would run like a turtle. Things kept getting stranger and stranger. I just need to relax. I walk in my bathroom to wash my face, but then I noticed somethig. While I was washing my face, the water that was droping off my face, into the sink was red.

I looked up in the mirrior and screamed in horror. My mouth was covered with blood. My teeth apeared to be fangs, and my eye's were red. My veins were poping out under them.

 I was afraid of myself.

Why is this happening to me!? Then my mind snaped. This is a dream. Of course! I sighed in relief and shut the bathroom lights off and went back to bed. For a minute there, I thought I was a vampire. I chuckled at my crazy thoughts.

The next morning,I woke up to the sound of a shout. "What happened to all the blood bags!?" my eye's opened. Holy shit! Im a supernatural freak!

And that's how I died. Yeah I know; that's one crazy story your probably thinking.

Can you imagine being alone all the time with no friends,no boyfriend,or no family. Speaking of family, do you want to know how my parents found out who I was. Or should I say mother.

My father left for the army. Big mouth Jesse had to tell her with out letting me tell her myself. She didn't believe him at first, but as usual, Jesse is a good convincer. She went up to my room and asked me herself.

"Are you a vampire?"

I couldn't lie to her. I looked at her with sad eyes. "Yes" I whispered. She slapped me across my face with feeling. "Get out"

"What?" I was in shock. How could she just kick me out like that?

"I said get out!" she repeated "I mean it!"

Tears started streaming down my face. She sat on my bed with a blank expression. I packed everything that I had and began walking out my room. "How can you kick your own daughter out?" I cried.

"What daughter? My daughter is dead." my heart smash into small pieces. "You aren't my daughter anymore. Your nothing but a get out."

That's how my story ends..Now that I was kicked out of my own house, I get to live anywhere I want.....If it's an empty house. However, if someone buys the house that I live in, then I get to choose another house.

Well, I better get ready for bed.

See you when the sun rises.

We can never be together -ON HOLD-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora