First the family..then the kiss...then the troublemaker

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It was already midnight, which made me think. What on earth are they? Emily had her head on my lap, eyes wide shut.

I gently stroked her short blonde hair. I once remembered how me and my parents would always have a movie night on a Sunday night. Dad would always choose his black and blue stripped pajamas while my mom would wear her brown pajamas with colorful flowers all around.

"Give me my fuzzy bunny slippers little girl!" she would say all the time when I take her bunny slippers. I couldn't help it. If they weren't so damn comfortable then there wouldn't be a problem. I wonder if she still has them?

 I check my phone to see any missed calls or text messages. None.

Just as I was about to turn off the television, my parents just arrived in the parking lot.

"Damn it David, would you get a hold of yourself. She's gone already." I heard my mom shout as she slam her door shut.

"She's not gone! What don't you understand?!" my father exclaimed.

I quickly kissed Emily on her forehead while grabbing my backpack and zoomed up the stairs, soon as I heard the door nob open.

"I understand that we need to protect ourselves. She's a vampire for god sake!" my mother

"Shh" my dad hushed. I figured that he noticed Emily was sleeping on the couch. "I don't care what she is Gabriella! She's still my daughter." he whispered.

I backed away slowly, not wanting them to hear my footsteps. As I enter Emily's room, I carefully closed it shut, listening to see if anyone heard me.

Soon as I turned around, I gasped at the sight of a human took me a few seconds to notice that it was a Justin Bieber life size stand up.

Damn it Justin! What are you doing to my sister's brain?

I quickly climbed out the window and hopped to the ground. I started jogging to the forest, wanting to feed on some blood.

The thought of blood made myself jog even faster.

I was beginning to walk past the tall tree's until I heard some one call my name.


I stopped at my tracks, knowing it was Daniel.

I slowly turn around to see him with a confused expression. "Oh uh hey Danny." I said clearing my throat.

"Where you just about to go into the woods?" he asked, scrunching his eyebrows together.

I slowly walked towards him and shook my head. "The woods? Alone? In the dark? Puh-lease!" I chuckled.

He sighed deeply with a smirk. "You know you're not a good liar, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, I try my best."

He rolled his eye's, playfully.

"So, what are you really doing out here along Ms.Amberry?" he asked, crossing his arms together.

"Oh you know, strolling around the neighborhood. I do it every night." I said rubbing my neck.

He chuckled.

"Give me a good reason why I am not convinced." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and put my hands up. "Okay okay I surrender officer." I joked. "I came to see you. I just wanted to check on you to see how you were doing. I knew that you were concerned why I left earlier so-"

Without know, he grabbed my face and crashed his lips onto mine.

Yeah I was shocked. Very; but for some strange reason, I didn't want to pull away.

I couldn’t help feeling the adrenaline of my heart when his lips landed on mine. I could feel his lips spread into a smile when he felt that I was kissing back. I don't think I've ever kissed anyone that had so much passion.The taste of his sweet minty breath enchanted me. He was so gentle, so cautious.

I felt like we were the only two people on this world. I felt like nothing can go wrong between us. I felt alive.

He removed a strand of hair from my face, staring straight into my eyes. I could hear his heat beat faster soon as he opened them. He was terrified.

"Case...your eyes." he feared.

I immediately turned around, with my back facing him. I touched my face and tried to keep calm. "What are you talking about?" pretending not to know what he meant.

He tried to look past my face, but I wouldn't let him.

My fangs started popping out, so I covered my mouth so he wouldn't notice them.

"I gotta go. I'm sorry Daniel" I said with guilt.

I started running back home before he could say anything else. Ugh, how can I be so stupid!

I quickly ran inside the house, sliding down on the floor with my back on the front door.

Stupid.Stupid. God I'm stupid!

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a breathe.

What am I gonna do now?

"So! How was your day." cheered Natalie, as she came skipping down the stairs.

Why is she so cheerful all the time?

"Nothing important."

"Oh." she frowned. " was fun! I felt wanted. Everyone in school were being so nice to me. Even the teachers, and guess what! I met these amazing people today, they-"

She was talking so fast that all I heard was "I met these amazing people today."

"-I think their names were Debbie and Jesse."

My mind went blank. My face went black. Not only do I have to worry about avoiding Daniel, but I also have to worry about Jesse and Debbie befriending Natalie.

"Isn't that great?!" she exclaimed with a smile on her face.

".....Okay I'm going to bed."

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