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During my lunch time, I started walking out of the cafeteria. I never eat there anyways. I remembered the last time I sat in the cafeteria, almost the whole school threw their lunch at me. I smelt like a garbage truck.

I walked to my locker and sat on the floor. I started to eat my turkey sub with my cup of fruit.

I may be a vampire, but that doesn't mean that I can't eat human food ever again. When ever I eat food, it helps me from thinking about blood. That was I don't get thirsty in school.

As for all types of beverages, they just taste like water. It's weird.

"Excuse me, mind if I join you beautiful?"

I looked up to see Daniel. 

"No, not at all." I grinned.

He slid down to the floor and started to eat his french fries with his chicken strips.

"So, why arent you in the cafeteria with the rest of the students?" he asked, taking a sip of his orange juice.

I shook my head. "I never go in there.This had been my seat since my sophomore year."

"What about your friends?"

I chuckled. "Do you usually ask someone so many questions like this?"

He shrugged. "This is my way of getting to know you better."

I smiled. "And why do you want to get to know me better?"

He smirked. "I believe I asked you a question first."

Oh, he's good.

"Well to be honest, I don't have an friends. I use to during my freshmen, but things started to change when" I stoped at my sentence.


Of course I can't tell him the exact story.

"When my friends found out that my mother abandoned me just because I lied to her about going to this alcoholic party. So my friends just stop talking to me. They just wanted my money." I lied.

"What about your dad?" Daniel asked, taking a bite of his fries.

"He came back from the army, and of course, my mother told him that I lied."

"Did he care?"

I shook my head slowly. That wasn't true. My mom told him that I ran away.

"Well...I think it's unfair. You shouldn't have friends who just want your money; and I think it was wrong for your parents to abandon you."

I shrugged. "It is what it is."

"So, where do you live now?"

"With my aunt" I lied.

He nodded. "Well Case, you just got yourself a friend. What do you say about that?"

I giggled. Cheesey much?

"I say, great" I smiled.

"Oh come on, you gotta do better than 'great'. I think it's amazing!" he shouted.

"Shhhh you're to loud." I blushed.

"Well people should know about it."

I shook my head. What a goof.

The bell started ringing.

"Well, fun time is over." I chuckled

I walked back to the cafeteria with Daniel to throw my tray away.

People started to stare, which was creepy.

I felt Daniel's hand crawl in the spaces of my fingers.

I looked down at our hands and looked back at his face.

He winked at me and threw his tray away.

"Come on, we have gym together." he said.

We walked to our next class, hand-in-hand.

People were still staring and started whispering, but what surprised me was Daniel's hand touching my hand.

I always thought a couple would do this kind of mushy stuff, but I guess friends can do this too.

Daniel, where have you been all my life?

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