Chapter 53

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A heavy sigh left my lips as the blaring sound of the alarm met my ears. A slight groan left Sasuke's lips as I rolled over, causing his arm that was draped over me to fall, to silence the alarm.

"Sasuke, wake up. We have to start getting ready." A yawn passed my lips as I began to stretch out my body.

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled as he reached back out to grab me and pull me closer to him again. A smile graced my lips at the action as he rolled over to rest his head against my chest. A half asleep Sasuke was seriously the cutest.

"We can't, if we don't get there in time we won't get to walk." I ran my hand through his raven hair, trying to coax him awake. His eyes fluttered open at the motion, his coal gaze shifting up to look at me. "Good Morning, Mr. Valedictorian." I hummed, my smile widening as he started to get his wits about him.

"... Good Morning." His embrace strengthened around me as he shifted his weight in order to be able to place a kiss on my lips. "I don't know why we have to go so early to practice the graduation ceremony. If people are so stupid they can't figure it out then they shouldn't be getting a diploma." He groaned, letting go of me as he sat up in the bed.

"Not everyone can be as smart as you, Sasuke." A slight laugh left my lips as he just let out a little 'hn' in response and reached out to pet Jade on the head since she just jumped up on the bed upon hearing us up. "Come on, Jade. Let's get you breakfast." She quickly left Sasuke's side, jetting towards the kitchen, as I got out of the bed. Little minx just wanted food.

Jade rubbed against my legs as I opened up a new can of food for her and placed some into her dish. She began to eat happily as I set her food on the floor for her, losing myself in thought as I stood there for a moment watching her. I can't believe we graduate today. These past two years seems to have gone by in a blur.

My attention was diverted towards Sasuke as he entered the kitchen, mid pulling his shirt over his head, giving me a glimpse of his pale skin underneath marred by a small reddened blemish. A small smile graced my lips at the sight. This man in front of me was mine and that mark proved it. Who knows what life would have been like if I never transferred here or met him.

"What?" Sasuke questioned, catching me starring at him.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how much I love you." Sasuke momentarily stopped in his tracks before looking over at me.

"I love you too." His gaze held mine as he spoke, his eyes displaying a serious tone to them almost like he met some sort of resolve in that moment. Though, he didn't need to tell me that he loved me. I didn't say it just for him to tell me it back. I mean, I knew he loved me. There was no questioning that. I just wanted him to know that I truly loved him too even though it took me so long to initially tell him. Looking back at all we went through and all the signs, I think I loved him that whole time and was just too scared to say it. We may have our ups and downs at times but I wouldn't trade any of this for the world.

"I'm going to go get dressed and then we can head out." I stepped past Jade and started to make my way back to my room, Sasuke giving me a slight hum in acknowledgement to my statement.

Luckily I didn't have to fully get ready yet since this morning would just be practice and we'd get done around noon. That gave us plenty time to go back home and get ready for the real deal. I didn't think much of it but Skylar insisted that you need to get all dolled up for your graduation ceremony. Which led to another shopping trip with him for an 'appropriate' graduation dress for the occasion. I still don't quite get it because our robes cover our outfits but apparently it's common practice to have them unzipped until you are actually walking up there.

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