Chapter 14

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I was abruptly awoken by the car shaking. I guess we're on a dirt/gravel road now. I yawned and stretched out my body.

"Are we almost there?" Sasuke looked over at me then back at the road.

"We're about ten minutes away." I look out the window and all I can see are tons and tons of trees.

"Where's the lake?"

"On my side. You should be able to see it in a minute." I looked over towards him and he was right. Within a minute the crystal blue waters were visible through the trees. The water was still and sparkling due to the sun.

"It's beautiful!" Sasuke smirked at my excitement.

After a while we reached the camping grounds but we continued driving around until we saw the others cars. I noticed Kiba's and Naruto's so we pulled up next to them and parked. I guess Sasuke and I were the last ones here. Everyone else were already setting up camp. Sakura and Ino glared daggers at me as I got out of the car.

"Hey you guys! We scored a great spot with easy access to the water!" Naruto yelled as he was attempting to assemble his tent. Kiba smiled and came running over to me.

"Let me help you get your stuff." Kiba gave me a warm smile. I felt a light blush cross my face.

"I got it." Sasuke says coldly before I could even answer. Kiba's smile melted away as he looked at Sasuke. I glanced at Sasuke and noticed he was standing there glaring at him... And I was stuck in the middle of it.

"O-Oh, Hey Hinata! Let me help you with that!" I quickly waved and ran over to her. She was putting up our tent so I needed to help anyways.

"Hold this end while I try to put this up." She smiled as I did what she said.

"Here's your stuff." Sasuke says while setting my luggage and sleeping bag by the tent. I guess he won the battle with Kiba.

"T-Thank you." I adverted my gaze so I wouldn't have to look in his eyes. Sakura and Ino's glares seemed to intensify after he brought me my stuff... All of a sudden I heard a loud snap and the tent came crashing down."Gah! What happened!?"

"I don't know..." Hinata pouted. Kiba started laughing as he came over.

"Here, let me help you." Kiba held up the supports and told Hinata and I what to do. And, this time, it stayed up.

"Yay! Thank you!" I jumped for joy. Kiba smiled at my enthusiasm.

"Thanks, Kiba." Hinata gave him a soft smile.

"If you need anything else just ask." He smiled and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "And I mean anything." I felt my cheeks get warm as he pulled away.

"A-Alright." I smiled as Kiba went over to help Naruto, who was obviously struggling, with his tent. I noticed Sasuke was looking over here with an angry look plastered on his face. I just looked away and went to put my things in the tent.

Sasuke was setting up his tent directly across from Hinata's and mine, next to his is Ino and Sakura's, Kiba and Shikamaru's is facing the middle by both of ours, and Naruto and Lee's is to the left of Hinata's and mine.

"Sasuke~! Do you need any help setting up your tent?" Sakura asks. I look out the front of my tent as I'm rolling out my sleeping bag. Her and Ino are already swarming him like flies.


"How about with unpacking?" Ino asks.

"No." He was starting to get irritated. It took about an hour before everyone was all set up.

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