Chapter 43

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"How are your classes so far?" I could feel my cheeks darken as I sat next to Sasuke for lunch, recalling the time spent in my last period to which Naruto let out a laugh.

"Her face got so red in class I thought she was going to faint." Naruto continued to laugh, apparently finding my misfortune funny.

"What class was it?" Kiba inquired as Hinata and Shikamaru arrived with their lunches.

"Sex Ed." Kiba let out a whistle, a smirk forming on his lips in response to Naruto's answer.

"No wonder. Everyone comes up with the weirdest questions to ask the first day."

"You're one to talk. I had to misfortune to take the class with you and now forever have the knowledge etched into my brain of what a squirter is." Naruto nearly choked on his food from laughter as Sasuke sent Kiba a slight glare.

"I remember that!"

"Can we please just stop talking about this?" I groaned, feeling like hiding my face in my hands and curling into a ball.

"If you feel like this now just wait until you get to the STD section." Sakura commented, taking a sip of her sweet tea causing Kiba to visibly shudder.

"We're trying to eat here." Kiba reprimanded to which Sakura simply shrugged her shoulders.

"You started it."

"Well I'm putting an end to it so both of you shut up." Sasuke barked causing Kiba to let out a little huff and Sakura to roll her green orbs but ultimately kept them quiet on the topic, which I was thankful for.

"So which class do you have next?" Kiba inquired, changing the topic and keeping the conversation going. Pulling my schedule out of my pocket, I glanced over my classes to double check where I would be going.

"Economics with Iruka."

"Awesome! I have that class too!" A smile spread on Kiba's lips.

"Dude, same here! This class will be awesome!" Naruto butt in, causing Kiba's smirk to widen.

"It'll be just like last year, minus Sasuke."

"Keep in mind that Naomi is my girlfriend now and you better not pull that shit you did last year." Sasuke warned, not liking the idea of me having a class with Kiba and not him.

"No harm, no foul." Sasuke's glare hardened as Kiba just gave him a smug look.

"You have nothing to worry about. Trust me." A soft smile spread on my lips as I leaned over to press a kiss against Sasuke's cheek. A slight smirk crossed Sasuke's lips as his arm encircled my waist, returning the look Kiba was previously giving him. He seems to enjoy rubbing the fact I'm with him and not Kiba in his face.

The bell ending lunch rang soon after, causing all of us to pack up and head to our respective classes. Sasuke placed a soft kiss on my lips, saying that we'd meet up at his car once school was over before he reluctantly let me walk to my class with Kiba and Naruto.

The teacher seemed nice enough. Though, I couldn't really focus on him with Naruto's and Kiba's chatter.

"We should go out and do something after practice today." Naruto leaned over my desk in order to talk to Kiba on the other side.

"Sounds good. You doing anything after school Naomi? You should come watch our practice and then come out with us." Kiba grinned, trying to rope me into their spontaneous plans.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to go into work." Kiba pursed his lips.

"I forgot you got a job. Lame." Kiba dejected, sounding bummed.

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