"What did Sawyer do to you?" She questions. "He didn't touch you?" She accuses.

"No! Mom!" I shout. Moms always think the worst about situations.

"Maeve." And her words sound like knives and my uncle walks into the room.

"Bye mom, I love you." I hang up on her as she continues to scream.

"Ready?" Whit asks as soon as I hang up the phone. He's putting on a pair of gloves and he hands me some.

"Dead body?" I question and he nods.

"Can I draw what I see?" I question and he eyes me skeptically, "...as notes." I add. "You know medical notes?" I quickly say with a shrug and he breaks into a smile.

"Very well then, come on." And be leads me downstairs. I grab my journal and I follow after him.

A women is lying on the table. At first I don't see any obvious signs of what could be wrong with her, but on closer inspection I see dark spots everywhere, almost deep bruises on her legs.

When I walk closer and stick my hand out to touch, Whit blocks me from doing so. I'm close enough to see puss coming out of the wounds.

"This is different from yesterday's..." I tell him and he smiles, nodding.

"Good. Why?" He questions and my eyes scan over the body.

"This looks like it's eating the skin. While yesterday's it just looked like books formed." I shrug.

"Good. It's called necrotizing fasciitis. Very rare, very contagious." He says and I take a step back and start writing the name of the skin disease. "It's a bacterial infection that destroys the tissue under the skin."

I look at the body again, "Explains the blisters. The legs are swollen and the skin is cracked away with some redness around where the main wound on the leg is. Kinda cool. Kinda gross." I say.

"She probably had an open wound and didn't tend to it." He says to himself on a little voice recorder. 

I leave him be as he continues to examine the body, lifting the arms for any more bruises or birthmarks.

I bring out my drawing journal and draw what I see. Writing small notes indicating what everything is.

I start getting frustrated when I can't get the accuracy of her face drawn and my face heats up. I absentmindedly pull up my sleeves and continue my drawing.

"What happened to you arm?" I hear my uncle ask.

"Hmm, What?" I question and try to subtlety pull down my sleeves.

"Who did that? Was it Sawyer?" He accuses. And I shake my head no.

"You can't hide this. If he's done something other than this, you need to tell me..." Whit says, his voice serious.

"It's nothing like that. He wanted to talk and when I didn't and started to walk away he just grabbed me." I start babbling.

"That looks like more than a grab..." He says and lifts my sleeve up to have a closer look.

"He let go as soon as he realized he grabbed me. It was literally less than a second. Nothing to worry about."

"I don't want to start any trouble, but I will inform his parents..." my uncle states.

"Please don't, it will just make everything worse..."

He shrugs me off and I try arguing with him not to, but the more I talk the angrier he gets and I just grunt annoyed.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now