Chapter Two: A New Team

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  " HELLO!" Sideswipe yelled, his echo returned to him.

  Sideswipe then went into the cannon where an old, rusty SUV was. I kept an optic out for any humans. This kid was reckless after all. 

  " HELLO!" Sideswipe yelled again, I shaked my helm smiling.

  " Hello!" Came a different voice.

  Shocked, Sideswipe looked down under a rock where a human, young boy with black hair wearing a blue jacket, was coming around to look up. Both screamed when they saw each other falling back.

  " What are you?!" They both asked, when they heard a crash.

  Both turned, " What is that?!"

  Right there besides them was Underbite. I recognized him almost immediately, totally not because me and Soundwave pulled a prank on him in our younger years. Most definitely not.

  Underbite was a large animal con that resemble a dog. He was all purple with a white patch on his face and tires in his front two legs. A Decepticon symbol proudly showing on his chest, I still had mine, but I tended to cover it up with paint. Most Cybertronians were Autobots and they didn't like Decepticons; even those I considered friends.

  Underbite gave out a mighty yell. Sideswipe must've seen the Decepticon symbol because he froze up, not like I could blame him.

  " Decepticon...that's cool..." Sideswipe said nervously before looking at the kid and saying something then looking back at the Decepticon. " I'm Sideswipe and you are..?"

  " Underbite." He said proudly, " Ever heard of me?" Sideswipe shrugged having a look that read he had no clue who this guy was.

  " You ever been to Newon City?" Underbite asked.

  " No." Sideswipe said nervously gesturing for the human kid to run.

  " That's cuz I ate it!" Underbite then leaped to chomp on Sideswipe. 

  I tackled Sideswipe to the ground causing Underbite to fly overhead. Helping him up, we all ran off before to gain some ground between us and Underbite. The human child dodged branches and logs, never stopping while Sideswipe did acrobatics on top of the trees using the top branches and trunks as landing points.

  I flew overhead keeping an optic on both of them and Underbite. Sideswipe then landed beside the kid on the ground. Both stopped for a minute.

  " Are there any clearings on this stupid planet?" Sideswipe asked the child.

  The child looked up at him before running off, soon both him and Sideswipe were in a clearing. I transformed and landed besides both of them. Both seemed shocked to see me, but I didn't acknowledge them. My wings were flickering as I tracked Underbite's signal.

  " Wait. Now we are out in the open. How is this better?" The human asked.

  " Now I have room to do this." Sideswipe then transformed into a car much to the humans fascination.

  " GET MOVING!" I yelled jumping out of the way, a second later Underbite jumped out of the forest crunching trees.

  " Yeah, transforming into a car makes a huge difference." Underbite taunted.

  " Quick get in!" Sideswipe said rolling down a window allowing the kid to jump in.

  I dodged Underbite as he jumped at us again and followed them in my jet form. I could only hope we'd get to Bee before Underbite got to us.

Strongarm's Profile:

  I was walking beside Lieutenant Bumblebee on Earth! A dream come true! Talking to Bumblebee, I could hardly hold in my excitement about this whole new ordeal! 

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