Without a coherent thought left in my mind, I instinctively reached up and grabbed his v neck, pulling him back down to the bed. I let my finger run from his perfectly tousled hair, down his sideburns, along his rigid jaw line that clenched and rippled under my touch before letting my fingertip dance along his throat down to the point of his shirt. I never broke my touch as I let it pull his shirt down to mid stomach, fully exposing his beautiful chest. How did I ever resist this for so long? How did I ever get any sleep at night with this lying next to me and how have I not crumbled under the weight of my own desires before this moment, I have no idea. The more important question at hand is why is Jimmy fighting this so much? Why is he trying to walk away from me right now? Did he not want this as much as I wanted him? I needed this just as much as he did. "I needed this too. More than you know." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his neck, leaving a trail on his collarbone all the way up to his ear. Its been six months and I for one couldn't stand it any longer. I longed to be near him. I longed to feel his skin on mine and I longed to hear the way my name felt on his lips as he kissed me deeply. I wanted him. I.... I.. "I need you." I finished my thought out loud as I whispered softly into his ear.

I felt his breath against my ear as he growled and tangled his hand into my hair, supporting my head as he put his other arm around my back and slowly lowered me onto the pillows beneath us. Jimmy quickly sat up, straddling me as he frantically reached over his head and pulled his shirt up and over tossing it to the side. I watched as his muscles rippled and tightened, revealing the taught, lean body that he had been working so hard to get back these last couple of months. The sweet sound of low, raspy whispers getting caught in Jimmy's throat was like music to my ears as I continued to appreciate Jimmy's body. I could feel his muscles twitching beneath my lips and I smiled lightly against his skin feeling goosebumps erupting along his skin with every pass my hands made along his sides. Jimmy leaned forward forcing me back down to the pillows. "I need you James." I purred as I let my hands fall to the waist of his jeans.

I hooked my finger around the button of his jeans. I hesitated for a moment, apprehensive still. Jimmy hasn't said a word since I started coming on to him. Did he really not want this? I glanced up to look into his eyes but I did not meet his gaze. Instead his head was leaned down, watching my fingers around his jean button, waiting for the release. I watched him scowl in confusion when he realized I had paused. He slowly looked up and his eyes met mine. He tilted his head towards me, his eyes squinted as if to ask what was wrong. I looked down at my hands on his jeans and then back up to ask his permission. Jimmy's facial expression softened and he softly smiled before taking his hand from beside my head, taking his thumb and rubbing my cheek tenderly. He leaned down and captured his lips with mine. He lightly nibbled on my bottom lip before letting his tongue explore my mouth. He slowly brought his hand down to mine and grasped the button with me. He nodded slightly before leaning down to kiss me again as we released the button from the loop together.

Jimmy let go and put his head back down to watch as I continued to the zipper slipping it down very slowly, one zipper tooth at a time. Jimmy looked up and raised one eyebrow when I reached the bottom. I smirked and lifted my chin, grazing my lips to his. Jimmy leaned down to deepen the kiss but I pulled back causing Jimmy to close his eyes and scoff before growling softly. I laughed and he surrendered sweetly, chuckling softly into my ear before looking back into my eyes. We giggled together for a moment before we both stopped to look at the other just enjoying the moment. Jimmy raised his eyebrow again as he lifted his pelvis off me, allowing me to pull the jeans off his backside and down to his thighs until I couldn't reach any further. He leaned to his side, resting on his right arm as he looked down, taking his left and sliding his jeans and boxers off the rest of the way and tossing them off the bed.

Jimmy sat up for a minute with his back to me. I sat up and kissed his shoulders on both sides, stopping to trace his freckles with my finger tips as I let my lips travel over the top of his shoulders and up his neck until I reached where his hairline meets the nape of his neck. As soon as my lips met that spot, Jimmy leaned his head back putting his hands on the back of my head and pulling me down to kiss him. I leaned up and knelt over him and he leaned back completely to rest on my thighs. I let my hands slide up his torso as I sat back up. I took my hands from his face and leaned back, trying as best as I could to undo the Windsor knot that was still tied around my waist. Jimmy sat up and turned to face me as I leaned down and tried hopelessly to undo the knot I had spent twenty minutes perfecting. Jimmy leaned back looking down at the jumbled mess that was my hands and the tie. He chuckled and brought his hands down tenderly cupping mine, stopping all the chaos for a moment. He intertwined his hands into mine and sweetly removed them from the tie. "Here..." He said softly as he kissed both hands and set them to my sides. I leaned back and rested on my palms as Jimmy ran his hands down my torso tauntingly before bringing his index fingers and thumbs to the Windsor knot. "Let me." His eyes sparkled dangerously sending another shockwave through my body and straight into my heart while he smiled devilishly before dropping his head down to concentrate on the tie.

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