"I know and don't worry I was watching the whooole time. You're doing so well," my mother complimented.

"Alright now I'm really lost what's going on?" Hobi hyung said.

"Miss Mina is my mom's pupil when I was in middle school. My mother is one of the most famous dancers that graduated from our school, and a globally known choreographer. This here is Park Minzy."

Everyone circled around amazing as Mina got up and wiped her tears that didn't fall just yet. My mom smiled and sighed then looked at everyone.

"You hear my son, it me. Don't let me be a distraction though. Please, keep practicing, I have to go find my seat and I'll see you guys later," she said moving out of the crowd with a quickness.

Then everyone started mumbling to themselves and some started questioning me along the lines of "Why didn't you tell us" and "I didn't know that you were her son" which was a bit annoying because I hate it when she stirs up things. Mina gather herself and snapped the others out of their moment to go back into practice before it was time to get on stage to finalize our placements then find our seats to wait for everything to begin.

I went outside towards our bus to calm my nerves that were seeming to be going out of control.


I turned around to see my mom who was approaching me slowly.

"I thought you were inside? How do you know where I was?"

"One of your dancemates saw you wonder off here so this is where I found you......is everything ok?"

I looked at the ground and shook my head. She sighed and moved closer hugging me as I reciprocated.

"I....I'm having those dreams again.....I'm worried," I said softly.

"Do you think you'll see him again? I mean the last time it nothing happened," she said.

"I hope not.....I don't know what I'll do if I were to see him again....."

"Have you told Kookie?"

"No.....although I should....he's been worried about me since I cried yesterday and fell of my bed as well," I explained.

"Oh sweetie....it's bad.....I think you should...wouldn't want him to worry and leave him in the dark," she said caressing my face.

"I know.....just didn't know when was a good time so I guess after this performance when we head back to the school, but don't forget," she warned.

"I won't. Thank you for talking to me, I can do it now," I said with a bit of a smile.

She smiled and patted my back with some strength to it and walked with me back inside the exhibition hall to see everyone seeing a bit disoriented then relieve when they saw me.

"Where the hell have you been?! We're up next!" Jungkook said hugging me.

"I was at the bus trying to clear my head," I said.

"If you needed that I could've done it," he said then proceeds to kiss me.

All worries even the left over worries about Kai left me as I melted into the kiss. Once we parted I couldn't left my eyelids any higher still dazed from how great it was.

"Well now, I think that did the trick," my mother said wiggling her eyebrows.


"Alright alright let's get changed and ready we got ten minutes so let's make the most of it so we can get in, be awesome, and get the hell out of here," Mina said walking to the dressing room.

"Have fun! I'm going to go to my seat love you all!" My mom said waving and blowing kisses then went the opposite way.

While everyone was getting dressed and putting makeup on, Mina was doing my hair and makeup while Hobi did Jungkook's. I stared at myself the closed my eyes meditating a bit to make sure that my worries don't rise up again. I felt a hand touch mine startling me, but relax immediately knowing it was Jungkook's hand. I can do this....I know I can. This is my time to shine and finally move on with my career so I found myself smiling earning a giggle from Mina. I open my eyes to see her looking at the mirror then I did the same to see how handsome I looked. I looked at Jungkook and felt my pants get a bit tight because dear lord it's like seeing him outside of Magic Shop looking this is going to make me pounce on him. I think he noticed because he bites his lip a bit and raised his eyebrow for a moment causing me to fanboy in my seat internally.

"Alright you two cut it out," Hobi hyung finally says seeing what was happening.

"Jungkook started it," I blamed as I pouted.

"Well you exist so I should be blaming you," Jungkook said.

"So? You didn't have to to flirt with me like that," I said back.

"You two are so cute, Alright everyone! It's time! Let's line up and head out!"

We did as we were told and walked out with me in front walking backstage and watching the other group dance.

"You alright?"

I looked back to see Mina watching as well.

"Yea, thanks to mom and Jungkook, I'm going to do this," I said.

"Ya know, I can't wait to watch you dance kid, it's been a while and I'm happy to be your teacher and your mother's pupil," she smiled.

"Same here," I responded.

"By the way please with all that is in me stop calling me Miss Mina, we're like 5 years apart," she said nudging me.

"I'll try my best," I laughed.

"Everyone get ready!" She yelled as everyone was hyping themselves up and practicing certain parts.

Everyone gathered and I looked at Jungkook and Hobi once more with a huge smile.

"Let's get it!" Jungkook said.

SO! Yes double update for you lovelies. Thought it would be the best to do so after having 10k reads which I'm truly grateful for. You guys helped me surpass my goals quicker than I imagine and for that I truly thank you for reading. I do want to say with the double update I may not update for a bit because my dumb self split jarritos on my keyboard so it's hard to type properly. So I'm trying to deal with that before updating another chapter. Again thank you so much and can't wait to see those comments!

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