Happy Valentine's Day! [Treebros]

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Connor didn't like Valentine's day. In elementary school, all he got were the mandatory cards that everyone got. In middle school, he got no cards. In high school, well. No one talked to him much less gave him a valentine.

So yeah, Valentine's day wasn't Connor's favorite day. After seeing so many lovey-dovey couples at school, he tended to just skip. His only positive experience with the day was when he and Miguel were still together. Miguel had shown up at his house (Connor's parents were on a date, Zoe was with a friend after a breakup crisis) with roses and weed. They'd gotten high together and proceeded to get rid of their clothes.

It was a good night. But that sweet night quickly turned sour after Connor royally screwed everything up. It was hard to look back without feeling a deep ache in his heart. Miguel had been his first partner and the first person Connor had fallen in love with. It was difficult to move past the good memories.

Those were his reasons for forgetting about Valentines and not getting Evan anything. So when Evan nervously slid an envelope to him at school, Connor suddenly realized what day it was and panicked.

Evan had taken the time to write him a letter for Valentine's day and Connor had done nothing. What did that say about him as a boyfriend? By lunchtime, Connor was in an anxiety attack. His mind was racing but at the same time completely blank. He considered skipping the rest of the day, but then he would be bailing on Evan on Valentine's day. He couldn't do that to his boyfriend.

"Hey Connor," Evan asked when they were walking home. Their hands were linked, and they were struggling through the snow and slush.

"Yeah, Ev?"

"Wanna come over tonight?" Evan leaned over until their shoulders brushed. "We could have dinner together."

Connor couldn't stop the way his body stiffened and Evan's mouth shut with a click as a result.

"Or... we don't do that," Evan said softly. His gaze dropped to the ground and Connor scrambled to rectify the situation.

"No! No, I want to have dinner with you, I do I promise." Connor bit his lip. "It's just, um. I, I haven't done anything for you."

Evan blinked then smiled. "That's okay Connor. You didn't have to-"

"I should have." Connor interrupted. "You're, you're my boyfriend and when you have a partner you're supposed to do something for them on Valentine's day and I, I did nothing!"

"Connor, it's okay." Evan cradled Connor's face in his hands. "Really, it's all right. I don't mind." He pressed his forehead to Connor's. "All I want is to spend time with you. I don't need a gift."

"But you gave me that letter and." Connor stopped and closed his eyes. "I should've done something."

"Then how about you make me dinner." Evan kissed the corner of his mouth. "Just bring over what you'll need and we can eat together. We'll just have a nice, quiet night in."

"And we can cuddle on the couch and watch shitty romcoms."

Evan laughed and kissed him again. "That sounds perfect."

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