How's the Divorce? [Treebros]

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Evan squeezed his adorable boyfriend's hand, smiling softly when Connor gave him a shy smile and a squeeze back.

"Ev," Connor murmured. "There's a sweet shop over there."

Evan couldn't stop his eye-roll. "You and your candy." He said fondly.

"Come on," Connor insisted, tugging Evan over to the candy store. "I bet they've got that Sour Punk Candy that you like so much. You can get a few packs of those."

"You drive a hard bargain." Evan teased, but allowed himself to be pulled into the shop. He didn't even try to hide his smile when Connor grinned brightly and looked at the colorful candy.

A few minutes, well, more like a half-hour, later, the couple left the candy store, Connor's bag almost overflowing with the amount of sweets he bought. 

"That was fun." He said. Evan hummed and pulled him close, pecking his lips. He then nuzzled him softly and breathed in his sweet smell.

"Have you no decency?"

Evan could feel Connor frown and raised his head to see an older woman looking down her nose at them, despite her being shorter than even Evan.

"Excuse me?" Connor asked and Evan recognized the look on his face. It took a lot of his willpower not to smile.

"Displaying queer behavior where children could see it. Have you no shame?" The woman said.

Connor's nose flared and he extracted himself from Evan's grip.

"What's wrong is teaching children to be homophobic jackasses." He snapped.

The woman looked outraged. "I am not homophobic!" She sniffed. "I just don't think you should be-"

"That's nice." Connor interrupted, studying his purple nails. "Speaking of, how's that divorce coming?"

The woman gasped in offence. "How dare you-"

Connor gave a wicked grin and got to his feet. "Listen here lady." He said, strolling over to her. "To be totally honest, I give no shits about what you think." He leaned over her, a menacing glint coming to his eyes. "But if you try to get in my way again," he murmured. "Well, I wouldn't count on coming out alive."

He smiled and patted her cheek before sauntering away, hips swaying. He returned to Evan, who was unbelievably turned on.

"That was really hot." He mumbled quickly and tugged Connor into a kiss before he could register what he said.

They could both feel the woman's disgusted eyes burning into them, but couldn't care less. While kissing his amazing boyfriend, Evan gave her the finger before grabbing a handful of Connor's ass.

At Connor's shriek and following laughter, Evan's heart warmed with love.

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