Silver [Kleinphy]

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When Jared was dared to go into the old Murphy house, he thought nothing of it. Sure, there were rumors that the house was haunted, but who really believed in ghosts? So he went into the house with a flashlight and nothing else. And if he'd secretly grabbed a silver pocket knife? Well, it was nobody's business but his own.

The house was in surprisingly good shape for how old it was. There was barely any dust. Uneasy filled Jared as he continued on his way. The dare was to go on all four floors of the house. He decided to start at the top and work his way down.

Moonlight shone through the windows, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Jared gripped his flashlight tight and entered the first room. Only to freeze and scream when he saw the human-shaped lump on the bed.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" He shrieked. When the lump moved he screamed and stumbled back, falling on his ass.

"What the fuck." The person said, sitting up and Jared whimpered when he saw the ears on top of the person's head. Fuck. He had wandered into a werewolf's den. Shit, shit, shit!

The werewolf turned to him, blue eyes glowing. "Who the fuck are you?" He said gruffly.

Jared couldn't make the words form in his throat and he fumbled for his knife. With shaking hands, he held it in front of him. The werewolf snorted at the sight of it.

"Silver doesn't hurt me, moron." The werewolf said drily. "Honestly, I'm not even sure where that myth comes from."

"What the fuck!" Jared managed, backing into the wall, trying to get escape from the monster. "Stay away from me!"

The werewolf rolled his eyes. "Chill. I'm not gonna eat you or some shit like that. Humans are disgusting."

Jared gaped. "You've... tried us?"

The werewolf just shrugged. "Anyways, I'll let you live so long as you tell no one that I'm anything but human." The werewolf grinned, showing off his razor sharp canines. "If a hunter were to show up here, well. It wouldn't be pretty for you or them."

Jared gulped. "Message heard loud and clear." He trembled.

"Great! That solves that problem. Now get out." The werewolf snarled the last part and Jared practically tripped over himself to comply.

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