Leftover Potion [Treebros]

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Connor stared at the green, bubbly mess in the sink. He carefully nudged it with a spatula, eyes widening when steam came off the spatula. He yanked it away, scowling.

"Goddammit." He muttered. He placed the spatula on a tray and marched to the living. "Alright," he said, hands on his hips and a stern look in his eyes. "Who left leftover potion in the sink. Again."

Zoe looked up from her homework and shrugged.

"Wasn't me," Alana said with an apologetic smile. Evan fiddled with his pencil.

Connor rolled his eyes and looked at Jared. "Was it you Kleinman?"

Jared put a hand on his chest and gasped. "I can't believe you would think so lowly of me." He exclaimed, eyes wide and mouth dropped open. He grinned and leaned back in his seat. "I mean, it was obviously Evan."

Evan stiffened and froze. He stared wide-eyed at them before stuffing his face back into his textbook.

"Do you know how to clean up after creating a potion?" Connor asked, taking a seat beside his boyfriend.

"Y-yeah, I-I do. It was one of the f-first things we learned." Evan said.

"Why don't we clean it up together? It's a real pain for one person to do." Connor smiled and Evan nodded.

They left the living and set to work. It was tedious, but not awful. The leftover potion was a bit disgusting, but Connor let Evan do that.

"Connor, I'm all finished," Evan said, walking over and pulling off his apron.

Connor tugged out his ponytail and grinned at Evan, tilting his head down to steal a quick kiss. "Now, considering I helped clean up your mess," he grinned sheepishly. "Help me with my homework?"

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