Fistfight [Treebros]

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Connor was walking down the halls of his school, ready to leave the hellhole, when he heard a tiny whimper. His eyes widened, instantly recognizes it. He stalked towards the noise, face set in a deep scowl.

Instantly, that scowl turned into a look of rage when Connor saw the school's jocks surrounding his boyfriend.

"Hey!" He shouted, charging over to them. The rage he felt only darkened when he saw the fear gripping Evan's wonderful eyes. Those eyes should never be filled with fear.

"Oh, look at that. It's the fag's boyfriend." One of the jocks sneered.

Connor saw red.

He didn't register the shouts, he didn't register anything until he felt his boyfriend's soft hands pulling him off of one of the jocks.

"Connor," Evan said, his voice quiet in his ear, begging.

Connor's eyes widened and his breath hitched. The red in his vision edged away and he stared in silent horror when he saw the blood coating his knuckles.

"I-I..." He stammered, taking a step back.

"Connor?" Evan said, worry clear in his voice when Connor stumbled away.

Connor's eyes filled with tears and he turned on his heel and fled.

"Connor wait!" Evan shouted after him, but Connor ignored him, intent on getting away from the crowd, away from his crime. His breathing picked up and he could feel the anxiety and panic settle in. He exited the school and ran down the street, mind in such a panic that he didn't even pay attention to where he was going.

He wasn't overly surprised that when he finally came to his senses, he was sitting on a bench in his favorite park. He couldn't stop the deep and dark sadness and despair from filling him when he remembered what he'd done on this bench.

He swallowed, tears starting to well up. He clenched his hand, but that only reminded him of the fight, of what a monster he was.

He flinched when someone sat down next to him. He leaned forward, hoping his long hair would cover his tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

"Hey Connor."

Connor's eyes widened and he stiffened when he realized that person beside him was Evan.

He didn't reply. He couldn't reply.

He tensed further when Evan gently grabbed his hand and began to run his hand up and down his knuckles. The feeling of that gentle touch tore a sob from Connor's throat and he buried his head in Evan's shoulder.

As his body trembled and shook with the effort of holding his sobs back, Evan held him tightly, whispering reassurances and sweet nothings the entire time.

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