Piercings [Murphy Siblings]

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When Connor came home with three new piercings, shit hit the roof.

"Connor." His father said, barely controlling his anger. "What are those?"

Connor scowled. "They're called piercings Larry." He said, hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"We never gave you permission." His father snapped.

"I don't need your fucking permission to pierce my ears! I'm eight-fucking-teen!" Connor shouted before storming away to his room.

He reached for his door to slam it, only to scowl and retract his hand when he remember he didn't have a fucking door.

"Goddamn Larry." He growled. He stalked to his bed and on his way, he passed his mirror. He stopped, before pulling his long hair away from his ears.

He frowned as he stared at the two cartilage piercings and the two studs in his earlobe.

"They're not that bad." He mumbled, gently touching the piercings.

"I think they're kinda cool."

Connor couldn't stop his flinch. He stared at Zoe through his mirror. Ever since the... incident at the start of the year, she'd been a lot more tolerable around him. No more yelling, no more snide remarks, just calm, simple small talk.

It was weird.

Distantly, Connor figured he probably shouldn't think something as normal as that was weird but, he did. No use trying to deny it. After years of arguments and screams, it was strange being civil.

"You gonna get one?" He asked.

Zoe shrugged. "I dunno." She smiled dryly. "I think I'd give dad a heartattack if I did."

Connor snorted and let his hair fall back down. "Probably. You are the golden child after all."

Zoe frowned and looked away. Connor mentally scolded himself for making her uncomfortable. He just couldn't seem to do anything right, could he?

"How's Evan?" She asked, ignoring the tense silence.

Connor narrowed his eyes. "What about him?"

"You two dating yet?" She asked slyly.


"Oh come on!" She said, giggling. "I see the way you two look at each other. I bet he's gonna love the new piercings." She winked at him and Connor's face flushed.

"Whatever Zoe."

She gave him a smirk, before leaving the doorway.

Connor sulked to his bed, refusing to admit that just three days ago, Evan had mentioned that he liked the look of cartilage piercings.

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