Too Gay to Function [Treebros]

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Evan sighed. "Connor, come on, this project is due soon." He frowned and crossed his arms. "You need to get started."

Connor waved his hand around before letting it flop back on the bed. "I don't wanna." He whined. He grinned. "Besides, it's the start of June! It's my month."

Evan rolled his eyes. "Con, this is our final project."

"Noooo." Connor grabbed his book from his dresser and flipped to a random page. "I refuse. I'm too gay for that."



"Connor, don't you wanna graduate?" Evan frowned when Connor just snorted and rolled onto his side. Evan sighed and went over to the bed. "Con, don't you want to graduate with me?"

He put his knee on the bed and leaned over his boyfriend. He placed his hand near Connor's chest, boxing him in his arms.

"We made plans to go to college together. That can't happen if you don't graduate." He kissed Connor's neck and smiled when he felt a barely there tremor. "Come on Connie."

He peppered more kisses along Connor's neck and face until finally his boyfriend groaned.

"Okay, okay!" He said, pushing Evan away. "I'll do my homework..."

Evan clapped his hands together and grinned. "Great! Guess your gay made you work."

Connor rolled his eyes and snorted. "You're hilarious."

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