A Lonely Christmas [Evan & Jared]

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Evan was curled up in the community room, favorite blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The dorms were silent. Normally, other students would be hanging around, chattering away. However, holiday break had started two days ago and everyone in his building had returned home. It was sure to be a lonely Christmas.

He sighed softly, curling his fingers around his warm mug. On the TV was Elf. It would be Evan's eighteenth time seeing the silly movie. It was kinda of a stupid movie, but it reminded Evan of the times he watched it with his mom. He swallowed around his suddenly dry throat at the thought of her. He missed her a lot. He wished that they had more money so that he could fly home for Christmas. It would be there first Christmas apart and it just didn't feel right.

His boyfriend Connor had been planning to stay behind so he could keep him company, but he wasn't able to get out of the family dinner. With a sweet kiss, Connor had promised to return as soon as possible.

The front door of the building open and Evan shivered when the chilly winter air swept in. He blinked when he saw who had entered.

"Jared?" He stammered out. Jared stood bundled up in a thick winter coat and tuque. Gloves hugged his hands which were holding grocery bags full of who knows what.

"You didn't really think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you?" He said, wide grin on his face.

"B-But, I um." He pursed his lips before smiling. "Thank you Jared."

Jared wrinkled his nose as he slammed the door and yanked his boots off. "Don't get mushy on me Hansen."

Evan raised a brow in amusement. "Y-you're the one who stayed behind j-just to keep me company."

Jared blushed and stuck his tongue out. "Scoot over Hansen." He ordered. Evan obliged and Jared snuggled under the blanket, sighing happily at the warmth.

"That's more like it." He said. He leaned over and tore open a box of cookies. When he saw what was on screen. "Elf? Really?"

"It makes me happy." Evan protested.

Jared shook his head but his eyes danced. "Weird taste, but I guess it is a classic."

"Exactly." Evan said with a nod. Then he grinned and snatched a cookie. "Thanks for getting food Jared."

"I wasn't about to starve knowing you never go grocery shopping."

Evan flushed. "I normally go shopping with Connor. And his mom has drilled it into him to eat healthy. It's not my fault he refuses to buy sweets."

"Easy solution, buy sweets yourself. Or break up with him."


Jared shrugged, but he was smiling. As they settled down for the evening, Evan's heart felt full. Not such a lonely Christmas after all.

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