Bake a Gay Cake [Treebros]

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"Hey Ev," Connor said, laying halfway off the bed, the tips of his hair brushing the floor. "We should bake something."

"Connor, we still haven't finished our science homework and it's due tomorrow," Evan said. "I don't want to fail and be unable to graduate."

"Ev, taking a break is just as important as studying." Connor shrugged and nearly fell off the bed from the movement. "At least that's what my therapist tells me. So, let's bake a cake!"

"A cake? Won't that take a long time?"

"Homework will still be here when we're done. It can wait." Connor stumbled off the bed and grabbed Evan's hand, dragging him out of the chair. Ignoring his boyfriend's protests, he marched them downstairs. "Let's make a gay cake." Connor declared, already ransacking his kitchen, searching for dye and ingredients.

"A gay cake?" Evan looked over at the ingredients. He had never heard of a gay cake before.

"Yeah, you've never seen those vanilla cakes with the rainbow inside?"

"Ooh. I didn't know they were called gay cakes."

Connor smirked. "They're called rainbow layer cake, but come on. It's obviously gay cake."

"Uh huh."

Connor's smirk grew even more. "Anyways, we've got all the ingredients, so let's make ourselves a gay cake!"

As it turned out, baking a cake was not as easy as it looked. By the time they finished, the kitchen looked like it had gone through a flour war. Connor's dark hair looked like it had white streaks and Evan's jeans looked light blue instead of dark blue. Food dye was all over the counter, batter was splattered everywhere from an unfortunate mixing accident. But the cake was done and in the oven. It wasn't the prettiest sight, but it probably tasted good.


"This cake is gonna be the gayest cake. Even gayer than me." Connor grinned as he leaned over to check on the cake.

When Connor straightened, Evan couldn't help but notice that there was batter stuck on his cheek. When Connor failed to notice, Evan marched up and quickly wiped it away. Connor stared at him, wide-eyed and a blush growing on his cheeks.

Wiping the batter away on his already filthy jeans, Evan pecked Connor's red-hot cheek and grinned.

"How's that for gay?" He said smugly.

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