Bloody Nails [Treebros]

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"Sorry buddy, try again next time." The merchant said with a smug grin. Connor growled and slammed the fake rifle back into his hold.

"I will paint my nails with your blood," Connor shouted and it took both Evan and Jared to drag him away from the stall before he made due on his threat.

"Connor, calm down," Evan said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

Connor snarled. "He was cheating!" He said.

"Maybe not. But um, you can be kinda scary Con." Evan said.

"Yeah. Especially with the whole 'gloomy emo thing' you've got going." Jared chimed in.

"Shut it, Kleinman!"

"It's just a game," Evan said with a smile. He kissed Connor's cheek. "And I don't even want the stuffy."

"It was rigged," Connor grumbled but allowed his boyfriend to pull him away from the mini-game.

"Come on, let's go to the Ferris Wheel," Evan suggested. His smile turned into a small smirk. "We can go without Jared."

Connor's eyes widened and he grinned back. "Let's do it."

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