Water is Thinner Than Blood [Murphy Siblings]

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Connor smiled and murmured softly to May. She had grown quite a bit over the week since he'd gotten her. To be perfectly honest, she was the only thing keeping him sane.


Connor looked up and quirked a brow at Evan, who was nervously fiddling with his shirt.

"What?" He asked, huddling May closer to him.

"Y-your, um, your family's here? They, uh, they want to see you." Evan stammered.

Connor stiffened. "Tell them to fuck off. I don't want to see them."

Evan frowned but didn't protest. Connor curled around himself, pursing his lips and blinking back the treacherous tears that were threatening to fall. May's leaves curled around his wrist, a small comfort. Connor petted the small succulent and sighed,

The next day, Evan was back, but this time he wasn't alone.

"Why is she here?" Connor growled and Evan stumbled back.

"I-I," he stammered.

"I didn't give him much of a choice," Zoe said coolly.

Connor scowled. "What do you want?" He spat.

"Mom and dad want to see you, Connor." She said. "It's not fair to them that you're keeping them away."

"What have they ever done for me?" Connor snarled. "Always looked at me like I was a, a freak!"

Both Zoe and Evan flinched at the word.

"And all because I could talk to plants." He continued. "What's wrong with that?"

"You killed someone Connor!" Zoe cried.

"They knew I was ill!" Connor shouted. "But they refused to get me help. It's not my fault someone died! It's theirs!"

Zoe shook her head, her eyes full of tears. "That's not true and you know it. Your hands killed a man Connor. That was all you, not mom and dad."

Connor's anger rose and his lips drew back in a snarl. What did Zoe know? She didn't know anything about him!

"Just leave!" Connor roared.

Zoe's eyes widened with fear and Evan grabbed her arm, swiftly escorting her away.

Connor sank to his knees, hands gripping his hair. He could feel May curled around his subconscious, wrapping him up tight in a comforting warmth.

He stayed there, shaking with fear. What was wrong with him? He knew for a fact that he couldn't use his power on any plant outside of his cell. The entire space was covered with barrier magic that made it impossible.

And yet, for the briefest second, after he'd screamed at Zoe, he had felt the presence of every single plant on the property.

He buried his head in his arms and a strangled sob escaped him.

He was a monster.

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