Fresh and Old [Treebros]

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Evan entered the house and immediately tensed. It was far too quiet. Evan knew for a fact that Connor was home and every day, without fail, Evan's boyfriend would great him with a small smile and sometimes a kiss.

The fact that it was dead silent was unsettling and worrying.

"Connor?" Evan called out shakily. There was no response. Evan carefully took off his shoes and put his bag down.

Lips pursed and brow furrowed with worry, Evan went upstairs. Panic filled his chest when he heard a muffled sob coming from the washroom. His throat closed as he hurried to the bathroom and without knocking, flung the door open.

His mouth dropped in a wordless cry and he rushed to his boyfriend.

"Connor!" He cried out, wrestling the blade out of his lover's hands.

"No!" Connor screamed, eyes wide and panicked when Evan yanked the razor away and threw it into the hallway. Evan grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulders and squeezed him into a tight hug. Connor struggled against him briefly, before sagging with defeat.

"An hour..." he whimpered into Evan's chest. "Y-you weren't supposed to be home for another hour..."

Evan muffled his own sob of despair, instead squeezing Connor even tighter. He ignored the blood smudging his pants and shirt, all his focus was on Connor.

They stayed there on the bathroom floor, both crying and sniffling. Eventually, Connor drew away.

"I-I'm sorry Ev." He whispered, head ducked down with shame, his long bangs covering his eyes.

Evan blinked back the tears that threatened to spill, instead raising his hands and gently caressing Connor's cheeks.

"L-let's just get you cleaned up." He said softly. He stood up and Connor wordlessly sat on the toilet. Evan pulled out their supply of gauze and disinfectant before setting to work. He bandaged Connor up almost mechanically. He had done this countless times, the angry red cuts of the fresh ones and the faded white scars of the old ones burned into his memory.

Once he was finished, he put everything away before facing Connor again.

"Connor, I... I think you should see someone." He said softly. Connor stiffened and curled in on himself. "I-I know you don't like the idea of a therapist," Connor flinched at the word. "But they help Connor." Evan whispered. He bit his lip before gently caressing Connor's bandaged wrists. "Please, I want you to heal."

Connor sniffled. "O-okay." He whispered. "Okay."

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