Hands Off Those Cookies! [Murphy Siblings]

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Connor stressed baked. His whole family knew it, his friends knew it, he knew it. His passion for baking probably came from watching too many cooking shows, but it wasn't like his friends and family minded. Whenever he went on a spree, they all ended up with an abundance of sweets.

It was the last week before Christmas break and Connor was stressed. His teachers were handing out assignments so there would be no homework during the break, and he had two tests in Science and Math. After studying for two hours, Connor had enough and went to the kitchen. He pulled out ingredients and started making double chocolate cranberry cookies. They were a favorite of his and he had been craving chocolate lately.

It took only a half hour to make and once the batter was on the cookie sheets, he shoved it into the oven. All that was left to do was wait.  Another half hour went by and the cookies sat on the cooling racks.

"What's this I smell?" Zoe asked, trotting down the stairs. Connor looked up from his phone and glared at her.

"They're still cooling Zoe, so no touching." He said and turned his attention back to his phone. When he heard the fridge open, he looked up suspiciously. His suspicion only grew when she grabbed the milk. He didn't move though. If Zoe was going for the cookies, he was going to catch her in the act. When she grabbed a plate, he stood. Quietly, he made his way to the utensils drawer and pulled out a spatula. The second Zoe's hand went for the cookies, he moved.

"Step away from the cookies." He growled. Zoe raised her hands in surrender. She was grinning. After forcing her a few steps back, Connor slowly lowered his spatula and Zoe took that moment to grab a cookie and run.

"Zoe!" Connor roared and chased after her, spatula still in hand. She ran to her room but he managed to slam the door open before she could shut it. He jumped on her, tackling her to the ground. He dug his fingers into her sides unforgivingly and giggles burst out of her chest.

"No!" She cried, squealing and squirming. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry- ah!"

Connor grinned at her. "Surrender it!" He said. Zoe shrieked and threw the cookie at him. He grinned triumphantly and got off her.

"Thank you." He said cheekily and took a bite of the cookie.

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