It's Okay to Be Gay [Treebros]

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"Connor, I um, d-do you think maybe we should...?"

Connor looked up from his book and frowned at his boyfriend. Evan was shifting at Connor's desk, fiddling with his pencil.

"We should what?" Connor asked, confused.

"T-tell your parents?" He said, sounding uncertain. "It's just... I don't um, like not holding your hand a-and stuff?"

Connor pursed his lips and put his book down. "I know you don't like it Evan but I... I still haven't come out to my parents and I just, I don't know how they'll react."

"B-babe, if they kick you out, you can stay at my home." Evan said, coming over to sit beside him. Connor leaned his head against his shoulder and sighed.

"Ev, you know I can't. Your mum shouldn't have to deal with me. Plus, I doubt she could pay for my therapy on top of yours."

Evan's brow furrowed. "We'd figure it out." He said firmly.

Connor pursed his lips. "You really want this?"

"Only if you're sure. I d-don't want to pressure you." Evan said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Connor smiled and squeezed back.

"I guess this would be nice to have every day." He murmured and kissed Evan's cheek. "I'll think about it."

"I have to say, I'm surprised Connor has never had a girlfriend before." Connor's dad said. "Normally, teenagers are full of hormones and have a girlfriend or boyfriend at least once in high school."

Evan smiled politely and grabbed Connor's had from under the table. Connor took a deep breath before placing his and Evan's joined hands on the table. His mother's gaze instantly locked on it, but Connor ignored her and took a large bit of pasta. Evan's smile turned slightly nervous and he started to trace patterns on Connor's knuckles.

Across from them, Zoe smiled knowingly and continued eating.

A hilariously five minutes later, Connor's father noticed their joined hands and stopped mid-sentence. All that came out of his mouth was a small 'oh'.

"Dad, I'm uh. I'm gay." Connor said, smiling anxiously and squirming in his seat.

"Thank you for telling us Connor." His mother said when the silence stretched on.

Connor just smiled and ducked his head, hating how quiet his father was. Dinner was mostly silent for the rest of the night and anxiety curled in Connor's stomach when Evan said goodbye with a quick peck on the cheek and hug.

Connor waited at the door until Evan disappear down the road and shut the door.

"How long have you known?" His father asked the second he walked past him.

Connor swallowed. "A couple of years now." He mumbled.

It was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel unsafe." Connor's father said, catching Connor by surprised.

"What?" Connor stuttered.

"Connor, we love you for who you are. We don't care if you're gay." His father said.

Connor swallowed and blinked a few times. "Thanks dad." He said, voice hoarse. Without thinking, he rushed forward and hugged his dad. His father stiffened for a moment, they rarely hugged, before wrapping his arms tight around his son.

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