I Wanna Play Scrabble Dammit [Treebros]

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Evan quietly crept up on a man and in one swift movement, snapped his neck. Carefully supporting the dead weight, he lowered the body to the ground before continuing. A change in the wind alerted him and he stopped.

"Are you done killing people yet?" Connor asked, landing beside him. "I want to play Scrabble."

Evan pecked his cheek. "Just one more." He said, patting his arm. Connor's wings fluttered and he pouted.

"Why do we have to do this?" He whined, following Evan on near-silent feet. "I mean, aren't there other agents that can handle this type of work? I just got you back two days ago and they already sent you back out."

"Connor, I need to focus."

The fallen angel rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well, when you're done come find me. I wanna destroy you in Scrabble."

"Half the words you use aren't even real!"

"Not my fault you don't know Old English!"

Evan scoffed and left his boyfriend. He wasn't about to let the needy angel distract him from his mission. Despite the agency knowing that Connor could wipe out the enemy base in a second flat, they had sent Evan out and refused to assign Connor to the mission as well. Not entirely surprising, considering the big bosses were still terrified of the fallen angel. Not that Evan really blamed them. They had seen the absolute chaos Connor had created when Evan had been captured by the enemy. His lover was an extremely dangerous force. One that no one could contain except Evan.

To be honest, Evan wasn't all that surprised that Connor had followed him. Connor could fly unimaginably high, so the trackers in the plane had no chance of spotting him. An angel's vision, fallen or not, was far better than any living being. Connor could probably keep track of them from space.

It was quite scary, knowing just how powerful Connor was. But the big bosses didn't see Connor's soft side. They hadn't laid witness to Connor bawling his eyes out at The Lion King. They hadn't seen Connor, curled up and broken, horribly homesick for his family. They hadn't seen Connor's bright eyes when he tried pancakes for the first time, nor the startled coughing when he had ice cream. All they saw was a frightening, all-powerful supernatural being.

And that was fine. All it meant was that Evan could have Connor all to himself.

Two agents later and one drive full of secrets, Evan returned to his boyfriend. "Okay, let's go." He said.

Connor perked up from where he was slouched on some rubble. He practically launched himself into Evan's arms and nuzzled his face. "We get to go home?" He asked, nose pressed against Evan's.

Evan smiled and snuck a quick kiss. "Yeah."

Connor's eyes were positively brilliant and he picked up Evan, launching himself up. Evan would never admit to the startled yelp.

Held by the angel's strong arms, Evan smiled and watched the world fly by.

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