Why Do I Have Boobs? [Treebros]

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Connor blinked his eyes open, squinting at the sun that was peeking through his curtains. With a yawn, he sat up and stretched. He frowned when he realized his chest felt heavier than usual. His eyes widened and he gasped, gaping at his chest.

"What." He froze, his hand drifting to his throat. Panic started overtaking him. What was happening? Why was his voice so high and his chest! Why did he have breasts?

Swallowing, he gently cupped his chest, squeezing inwardly panicking. He was female. He was a fucking female. What the hell happened? Were any of his clothes gonna fit?

"Oh shit." He breathed out, remembering that it was considered indecent for a woman to go out in public with no bra on. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

He scrambled out of bed and to the mirror. He stared at his unfamiliar body. His shirt clung to his breasts and hips, making them seem almost indecent. His hair was the same, but his face was softer now and his adam's apple was gone.

A wave of curiosity swept through him and he crept a hand down to his groin. He flinched when he realized his dick was gone, replaced by a soft cunt. His fingers brushed past something and he twitched in surprise, immediately moving his hand away from his groin.

"Okay," he muttered, washing his hand. He had to find his sister. Even if she couldn't change him back, she would have proper clothing for him.

His face burned at the thought of wearing his sister's underwear. He shook his head, banishing the image. He was not going to think further into that.

He changed into a pair of plain grey boxers and sweatpants and put on a baggy black hoodie. He quickly tied his hair back, grabbed his dorm key and headed for his sister's room.

"Zoe!" He shouted, banging on her door. "Open up!"

"The fuck you want?" He heard Zoe shout.

"Come on!" Connor slammed his fist against the door, cringing at the sound of his voice.

The door flung open, revealing an irritated-looking Zoe. She gave him one look and said flatly,

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Zoe, it's me. Connor."

She blinked. "Um. What?"

"I, I don't know why but I woke up female and I don't really have any clothes I can wear so please help?"

She scowled at him and moved to shut the door, but Connor shoved his foot to stop her.

"On Halloween, we would exchange candies. You'd get chocolate, I'd get sour candies."

She narrowed her eyes at him before stepping aside. "Come in."

Connor breathed out a sigh of relief and entered.

"So," Zoe said. "How exactly did this happen?"

"I have no idea," Connor said. "I just woke up like this."

Zoe snorted and went over to her closet. "Have you pissed someone off recently?"

Connor shifted as his sister started pulling out bras and panties. "Um, I don't think so." He mumbled, keeping his gaze firmly on the wall.

"Don't be so shy," Zoe said and suddenly, Connor had a handful of bras. "Just put one on." She eyed Connor's new cleavage and his face heated. "You're damn gifted." She grumbled before turning away.

Connor could feel the heat coming off his neck as he pulled his hoodie and quickly put the bra on.

"Okay," he said, tugging his shirt down. "Done."

Zoe turned back around and looked satisfied with the results.

"Okay, my brother looks better in a lace bra. Wow." She clapped her hands. "Anyways, I can't help you get back to normal, but maybe Alana can."

Zoe knocked on Alana's door. Connor crossed his arms, then scowled because how the hell did girls cross their arms with their chests in the way? And awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Zoe!" Alana greeted with a wide smile; which quickly fell to a frown when she saw Connor. "Wait, is that Connor?"

Connor gave a little wave.

"Yeah," Zoe said. "How did you know?"

Alana stepped back, revealing a blonde girl next to Jared Kleinman.

"You know Evan, right?" She said and the siblings nodded. "He was transformed as well."

Evan gave them a nervous glance and looked back down at his hands.

"So someone turned Evan and Connor into girls? But why?" Zoe asked.

Alana shrugged. "No idea. My best guess is that it's a curse. You two," she gestured to Evan and Connor with her wand. "Probably have to do some sort of task to be able to return to normal."

"W-what kind of task?" Evan asked.

"I'm not sure. Unlike you all, I don't have magic, so I can't read the curse." Alana pursed her lips. "Jared, you can read witches code, right?"

A cocky smile appeared on Jared's face. "You bet your ass I can."

She gestured to Connor and Evan. "Can you get a read on them?"

Jared adjusted his glasses and stepped forward. He raised his hand and muttered under his breath. His glasses began to glow and Connor squirmed under his intense stare.

"You two gotta mash faces!" He said gleefully. Connor's face turned bright red.

"Excuse me?" He spluttered while Evan stared wide-eyed and panicked.

"You two have gotta kiss," Jared smirked. "And not just some peck in the cheek. I'm talking full-on lip locking. Frenchies. Get some tongue in there. All the works-"

"That's enough!" Zoe said. Her face was pink and she looked mildly horrified. "You guys... do what you have to do. But me? I'm outta here."

She turned on her heel, Alana quick to follow with an apologetic smile and Jared wiggled his eyebrows and slammed the door shut.

Connor buried his head in his hands. He could feel his face burning with embarrassment. Was he really going to have his first kiss with a kid he barely knew?

"U-um, Connor?"

Connor looked up, purposely avoiding Evan's eyes.

"What?" He mumbled, fidgeting with his longer fingers.

"I-I'm really sorry." Evan suddenly burst out. "This i-is such a mess and you have to kiss me. I. I'm really sorry."

"Let's just. Let's just get it over with. O-okay?"

Evan pursed his lips and nodded. Both faces pink, they scooted closer to each other until Connor just grabbed Evan's cheek and pulled him into a kiss.

It was awkward, a little clumsy, but somehow it felt right. Which was insane because Connor didn't know this kid.

But still, for a first kiss, it wasn't bad.

Connor would be lying if he said he wouldn't try it again.

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