Falling Apart [Kleinphy]

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They were falling apart. Jared knew it, Connor knew it. Hell, everyone probably knew it. But Connor wasn't ready to let go. He needed Jared. He didn't know how he was supposed to function without his boyfriend?

So what if they slept in different beds? So what if they argued more than smiled? All couples went through rough patches. Theirs just happened to last a few weeks longer. It would be fine. They would have their week of shouting, followed by a month of silence, and then they would make up.

He loved Jared and Jared loved him. They could make it work.


Connor looked up from his book, surprised. Jared talking to him threw him off. They were in their month-long silence. He placed the book down on the table. He couldn't ignore the churning of his stomach as he gave his boyfriend his full attention.

"This isn't working," Jared whispered.

Connor flinched. He clasped his hands together and took a shaky breath.

"Jared, we're fine-"

"We're not fine!" Jared exploded. "We, we argue over every little thing! We don't communicate, we don't hug, we don't cuddle, we don't kiss! We don't even go on dates anymore! All we do is argue and ignore and then argue again! I can't go on like this. We can't go on like."

Connor scrambled to his feet. "We, we can get therapy, Jared. See a-a counselor. We can work this out. Together."

He reached for Jared's hand but he shied away.

"I love you, Connor, I really do." He said. "But I don't think we belong together." His eyes glistened with unshed tears. "We deserve better than that."

"Jared please-"

"I've already called my parents," Jared whispered. Connor's heart shattered. "I'm leaving tonight."

A sob escaped before Connor could stifle it. He dropped to his knees and hugged his boyfriend's, no his ex's, waist. He cried quietly while Jared ran his hand through his hair, just like he always did.

Just like he would never do again.

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