Bi [Treebros]

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"What does bisexual mean?" Evan asked.

Connor yawned and looked up from his textbook. "Hmm?" He muttered, blinking sleepily. It was currently midnight and this was the third night in a row that he got less than three hours of sleep. College life sucked.

"Bisexual?" He repeated before yawning again. "Means I like boys and girls."

Evan's brow furrowed. "H-how did you know? T-that you were bisexual I mean."

Connor shrugged. "I've been with girls and dudes. Liked 'em both. Don't really care all that much what they've got going on down there." Evan blushed when Connor gestured to his pelvic area. "Why you asking Ev?"

Evan's blush increased and he started fiddling with his fingers. "I uh, I've been wondering. I don't think. I don't think I'm straight!"

Connor blinked, suddenly feeling much more awake. "Yeah? That's great Evan." He smiled. "But don't feel pressured to always identify as bi, okay? It's okay if you discover you're more comfortable with terms like pansexual, straight, or gay."

Evan nodded, a small grateful smile on his face. "T-thanks Connor. But I um, I think I'm probably bi. W-well, definitely not completely straight."

Connor nodded and slid off the bed sit beside him. "Cool." He said simply.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes before Evan hesitantly scooted closer.

"C-Connor?" He whispered. Connor turned his head.

"Yeah Ev?"

Evan twitched and color rose on his cheeks. "I- um." He took a breath. "I-I think I like you!" He burst out.

Connor's eyes widened and he gaped at his friend. "You... like me?"

Evan nodded, gaze focused on his lap. His ears were bright pink.

Connor's face felt like it was on fire when he reached over and grabbed Evan's hand. He squeezed it and threaded their fingers together.

"I-I like you too." He said softly.

Evan squeezed his hand back before quickly pecking his cheek. Both of them flushed and Evan tucked his head into Connor's neck.

They fell asleep like that. The sore necks in the morning were worth it.

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