Spin the Bottle [Treebros]

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"God, those two are disgusting," Jared said. "I mean, look at 'em! Those lovesick puppy eyes they're constantly directing to one another. Absolutely disgusting."

Alana glanced up from her book and looked over at Connor and Evan. She quirked a brow when she saw their heads ducked together, staring down at Connor's phone. "Alright," she admitted. "I see your point."

Honestly, the love-struck puppy dog eyes were getting a bit old. How were Connor and Evan so blind to one another? It was so obvious. For a pair who were constantly looking at each other, it was shocking that they still didn't realize their feelings were returned.

"Let's get their heads out of their asses," Jared said.

Alana snorted. "Sounds like a fine idea. But just how the heck are we supposed to do that? Those two are the most oblivious people I've ever met in my life."

Jared's brow furrowed. "What is the most obvious way we could get them to confess."

Alana bit her lip. "How about seven minutes in heaven?" She said, shrugging. That's what they did in the movies after all.

"We could play a bunch of stupid sleepover games!" Jared said. "We'll do it at your house."

Alana blinked. "W-wait, what?" She stuttered, but Jared was already marching over to Connor and Evan to tell them the news.

That weekend, Jared and Alana carefully thought of a list of games they could play so that Connor and Evan would finally kiss and get together.

"How about Suck and Blow?" Alana said and Jared snorting.

"You mean blowjobs?" He snickered, yelping when Alana smacked him over the head.

"You're such a pervert." She mumbled.

"You know it," Jared said with a wink. "Spin the bottle will work fine. And if it doesn't, we improvise. I mean, we could always just shove their heads together."

An hour later, Zoe, Connor, and Evan arrived. Evan was fifteen minutes early and spent those fifteen minutes apologizing for being so early. Zoe and Connor were ten minutes late and were bickering on the doorstep when Alana answered.

"He refused to pack a bag." Was all Zoe said as she pushed past Alana into the house. Connor just rolled his eyes and followed.

It only took three hours for Jared to get impatient.

"Alright, everybody!" He said, clapping his hands together. "Let's play a game."

Evan frowned from his spot on the couch. "That, uh, that doesn't sound good." He mumbled and Connor snorted.

"Nothing that comes out of Kleinman's mouth is good." He said. Evan smiled a bit and continued on with braiding Connor's hair, which, in Alana's opinion, was quite gay. Seriously, how were these two not together?

"Everyone on the floor!" Jared ordered before producing a beer bottle from out of nowhere. "We're playing spin the bottle."

Connor's wrinkled his nose. "What are you, twelve?"

"Jared has the mind of a twelve-year-old girl with the body of an eighteen-year-old boy," Evan said, shaking his head.

"Don't say it like that Ev! That makes it sound disgusting." Jared said and then patted the floor rather aggressively.

"Why not?" Alana said with a shrug, settling next to Jared and her favorite chair. "What's the harm."

Connor rolled his eyes but conceded.

"Evan, my man, my pal, you are up!" Jared said and Alana barely resisted snorting. Way to be subtle Jared. Nice job.

Evan nervously spun the empty beer bottle and blushed bright red when it landed on Connor. Connor grinned widely. Jared and Alana watched with baited breaths as Evan scooted over to Connor and kissed him.

A minute later, they were still kissing. Alana was quite certain she had spotted Evan's tongue dart out. It got to the point where everyone was turning red, except for Zoe, who looked annoyed.

"That's enough you two." She said and shoved Connor slightly, causing him to break the kiss with a yelp.

"Zoe!" He whined, sitting up and attaching himself to Evan's side. "Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Y-you can kiss me anytime Con," Evan muttered quietly, giving a small smile, looking positively adorable with the pink flush across his cheeks. Connor cooed and kissed his cheek.

"You're too sweet." He said, a happy smile across his face. Evan wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in Connor's hair.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jared shouted. "When the fuck did this happened?"

Evan raised his head. "M-me and Connor figured it out a month ago." He said. Then he frowned. "Did we not tell you?"

"No!" Jared screeched. "You did not!"

Evan smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "U-um, sorry?"

"Your guys' turn," Connor said smugly, looking quite content to snuggle into his boyfriend's warm arms.

Alana and Jared were gaping while Zoe smirked.

"How could you not tell me, Evan!" Jared said, clutching his heart. "Oh! The betrayal..."

"Y-you're so d-dramatic..." Evan mumbled, fiddling with Connor's fingers. Connor kissed his forehead.

"Go on Alana, it's your turn," Zoe said. Pouting slightly, Alana spun the bottle. Her heart sank when it landed on Jared.

"Karma's a bitch," Connor said, somehow looking even smugger than he had earlier.

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