Chapter Thirty

Começar do início

We were three or four steps in when I realized that people were staring. It was only a few people at first but then others started to follow. I could hear a low murmur of people saying my name as if letting other people know that I was here.

"It's Selene!"
"The lead seer is here!"

Harry and I kept walking, his arm tightly around my waist as he pushed along the crowd. I just smiled at them as we passed by.

My eyes landed on Dylan's. He was by the bar, a beer on his hand. He gave me a small smile and an encouraging nod.

I spotted Mikhail too. He had a smug smile on his face and he raised his glass to me - the rest of his pack followed suit.

Harry led me to the bar. I sat on one of the high stools when Harry excused himself and told me he was gonna get drinks.

When he left my side, Dylan sat next to me and handed me a bottle of water.

"Thanks," I said, opening it and taking a sip. People were still staring but I tried to not let it bother me. It was weird being the center of attention.

I turned to Dylan, "Is this your first full moon party?"

He shook his head, "Went to a couple before I was officially alpha. A couple of friends and I tried to get shitfaced then and did crazy stuff."

"I thought you guys don't get drunk? Harry said..."

"We don't. It's just fun to pretend to be like a normal dude, I guess," Dylan grinned.

I nodded. I get it. Sometimes, I thought of what's it like if I didn't find out I was a seer as well.

"So, anything weird happened yet?" he asked.

"Nothing yet," I murmured. "But the night still isn't over though."

"True," Dylan glanced past me and stood up, "Guess time's up. I'll see you around, Selene."

"Thanks, Dylan," I said as I watched him disappear into the crowd.

Harry came back with a glass of beer as I was looking around, trying to find Kevin but had no such luck.

The stares were starting to make me feel uncomfortable though. Did they stare like that when I first came here?

I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Gummy
I am on my way to the cemetery, Selene.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Harry, can you drive me to the cemetery now? Gummy just texted telling me that she's on her way."

"Sure," Harry agreed, placing the nearly empty bottle on the counter.

We left the factory, and I was grateful I didn't have to endure the stares any longer.

Harry drove me to the cemetery. Again, my eyes were glued to the sky as soon as the moon was in sight.

The eclipse was almost complete.

Harry stopped at the cemetery gate.

"We've surrounding the area. The other three packs had sent wolves of their own to patrol too," Harry explained as we walked inside. "They also inspected the cemetery grounds earlier."

I nodded, barely listening to what Harry was saying. I could almost hear what the moon was saying, and I was trying to concentrate and listen to the muffled sounds.

I felt goosebumps prickled my skin. The air felt especially colder in here.

From the distance, I could see someone was standing in front of my Mom's grave. But it wasn't Gummy.

The Prophecy LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora