"Just give her to me, and I'll leave all things in the past." Jackson said, continuing to flash his light down the corridor as he progressed closer to the door ahead of him.

"As you wish." The voice said, as Jackson heard the sound of a door unlock, and as he came upon the door in front of him he peeked through the tiny slot of a window, and saw the person inside strapped to the chair.

That person was Ebony.

Immediately he felt his heart rate quicken as he opened the door and quickly rushed into the room, dropping to his knees beside her as she sat in the chair with her head down, as if she was unconscious.

"Baby." Jackson whispered, as he examined her bruises and cuts and scrapes. Her messy hair, and dirty fingernails caused an ache to his chest, as he never would have imagined seeing her like this ever again.

As his eyes stung with emotion, he gently brought his hand to her arm, as she let out a soft breath and fluttered open her eyes. He visibly let out a sigh of relief as he engulfed her into a hug then, and felt his cheeks wet with tears.

"You must be Jackson." She whispered against his chest, as Jackson sniffles and pulled away from Ebony to look her in the eyes.

"Yes Ebony, it's me. I'm here to save you." Jackson stared between the both of her eyes, as he waited for his words to click into her mind. And when he saw the tears rise in her eyes, and her chin waver he felt his own do the same.

"Thank you." She whispered, grabbing his hand as she held it in hers tightly, and squeezed it.

"I'm so sorry for ever making you feel like you deserved this. Like you wouldn't be good enough for me, or that you'd only harm me in the end." Jackson clenched his jaw, to resist the lump in his throat from coming out. "I will always protect you. No matter how much you hate it, and how bad you want to protect me, your safety matters before anything else in my life. Because I love you so so much." Jackson dropped his head as he let out a deep breath, and sniffled as the tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

And as he felt her soft hands on the back of his neck, he felt himself calm down as he knew that this was real. She was actually here before him, alive.

His again.

"It's okay." She said, caressing him as he looked back up to her and she wiped away his tears. "I'm okay." She continued, as Jackson slightly nodded at her words and he got up then, helping her up as he went to pick her up.

"I-It's okay, I can walk." She said, as Jackson didn't listen to her and picked her up, noticing that she seemed way lighter than usual.

"When we get out of here, don't expect to leave my side anytime soon." Jackson whispered, softly smiling down at her as she gave off a small chuckle, and held onto him as Jackson walked to the door and looked out the window.

Strangely enough there weren't any men waiting on the outside of the door. And as he felt something within him question this situation, he looked up to the one camera in the room, and wondered what the voice behind the speaker had up his sleeve.

He opened the door then, and stepped back out into the corridor, this time with Ebony in his arms as he walked as quick as he could, feeling some type of urgency in the air.

And as he came close to the second door, that's when the speaker decided to talk again.

"Did you think I'd just let you leave with my prize, so easily?" The voice said, causing Jackson to quickly try and open the door, but of course it was locked.

"You see Jackson, I've spent years planning this day out. The day I'd ruin your life, and take away everything from you, that you've taken away from me." Jackson glanced around the area, searching for anything to pry the door open.

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