In Need

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Three Months Later...

"Shepherds! To arms!"

This was it. Our first real battle. Every single one of my Shepherds was by my side for this, as they should be. Even the ones who were not constantly staying with us were here! With Falchion in my hands and fire in my soldier's hearts, these brigands stood no chance.

Reports of Plegian brigands taking over small forts near the border was nothing new. However, now, the Shepherds were called to deal with the problem. Across the battlefield were the brigands, ready for blood.

"How shall we start, Milord?" Frederick asked, readying his lance.

I glanced about my soldiers, weighing my options. Unfortunately, tactics were something I fell short on. After countless hours of training and study, analytical approaches to battles seemed to completely pass by me. The only member of the Shepherds with the capabilities for strategy was Virion. However, after many sessions of mock battles with his strategic guide, he proved that he was excellent in solving problems, but not when it comes to...well, keeping everyone alive. The only other person who I would even consider for advice was Miriel, but no one could understand her orders.

Lucky for me, though, these were brigands. Their strategic approach to things was to blindly kill. It would be fairly easy to adapt to such enemies.

"It seems like blunt force would be the best option..." I muttered. "Attack them and reduce their numbers the best we can, but also be conscious of ourselves. I want each one of my soldiers to come out alive."

Frederick nodded. "So what do you advise?"

Dammit. I can instill courage in people but I can't figure out a pincer attack from a swarming maneuver.  "...The spellcasters and healer should stay as far away from one-on-one confrontation as much as possible. Maribelle, stay close to Miriel and Ricken as much as possible but don't get too close. If you are met with confrontation, you have my permission to escape. Don't flee the battle, just get out of there."

Maribelle tossed a lock of her blonde hair, adjusting her position atop her horse. "That won't be necessary, milord! Those brigands won't know what's coming to them before they even lay a finger on me!"

I smiled at her. "I know and I appreciate the confidence, but you are our only healer. We need you," I said. I still haven't allowed Lissa to join the Shepherds. She just turned fifteen. She was of age to be allowed to join, but I was still too uneasy about it. Maybe in another month or so. I wanted her to be 100% confident in her healing abilities before she went on any battlefield (although, she was pretty much an honorary member of the Shepherds since she spends almost as much time in the barracks and with my soldiers as I do).

"Sir Chrom, what about us? I know we must be wary, but we can fight, too!" Our newest and youngest member, Ricken pointed out. Who would've thought that the young boy that I saved from a pack of wolves all those years ago was a mage prodigy? Not only that, but more desperate than Lissa to join the Shepherds. Sure, he was younger than Lissa, but only by a few months. At first, I was averse to a young boy joining, but after countless weeks of nonstop hounding from Maribelle, I caved in. I didn't want him to join us on this mission because I was afraid he would get hurt, but I couldn't stop him. I was going to have to be much more assertive from now on.

I sighed, turning to my mages. "I know you're more than capable than holding your own in a fight, but you're still vulnerable. I have to exercise caution." I turned to Sumia, another new member. "Sumia, would you be comfortable in watching out for them?"

The timid knight jumped slightly, clutching her lance. "U-um, of course! No problem!" Sumia joining was...interesting. While it was great to finally have her among our ranks, she was having a hard time finding her place. I could only hope she would find it, soon.

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