Not Worthy

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Determination burned through me as I walked through the halls of the castle. It had been a week since my talk with Sully and today was when I worked up enough courage to ask Emm about Falchion.

That blade was mine by right. It had been dormant for too long, and now it was time for it to awaken and protect the Ylissean people.

"Milord, slow down," Frederick chuckled. "You have a certain fire to you this morning. Is there any special occasion?"

I looked at my guardian. When he first started serving us, I would have to crane my head up almost all the way to make eye contact with him. Now that I had grown much more, I was almost eye-level with him. Almost. "I'm asking Emm a very important question."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Do you, well...think I'm worthy of wielding Falchion?"

The knight almost stopped in his tracks, his face holding nothing but shock. "I haven't heard of or seen that blade in years..." he muttered. "Have the recent Plegian disputes take a toll on your mind?"

I nodded. "Yeah, quite a bit," I sighed. "These are my people, Frederick. I need them to know that I am by their side and will protect them. I know I won't be able to solve every problem with just the swing of a blade, but if I had the Falchion, it will give Ylisseans hope that maybe I can. Not only that, but I want to send a sign to the Plegians. I won't use it as a tool to slaughter them as my father did, but will not hesitate to use it if they hurt my people."

He remained silent for a moment, the only sounds filling the vast hallway were our footsteps. Then, he spoke. "Just saying that warrants your worthiness, Milord. At least, in my opinion."

I smiled faintly. "Thank you." As we neared the healer's ward, my skin crawled with anxiety and my heart picked up in speed. There was nothing wrong with my older sister, no, she was just helping Lissa with her training. "The only problem is that Emm has possession of it. I don't know where she has it stashed."

Frederick hummed deep in his throat. "Unfortunately, I do think that Lady Emmeryn will have some...reluctance on letting you wield it."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you have any idea how long it took for her to allow me to train?" I groaned. "Of course, there will be reluctance. But, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove myself ready to use the blade."

"Stong words, Milord. It will only be a matter of time before the legendary blade is in your hands."


"What brings you here, Chrom?" Emm asked with a smile, setting down a few herbs. 

Lissa did the same, however, she was more cautious with her movements. There was no way she could mess up putting herbs down, but she tended to tread very lightly with everything she did. "Is everything ok?"

I drew in a deep breath, balling my fists. "Emm, I think it's time I start using the Falchion."

If she had been holding anything fragile, I'm sure it would be shattering to the floor. She stared at me, mouth slightly agape. "Chrom...I..." She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to bring this up."

"Our people need a sign of hope, especially now!" I began my piece. "By wielding Falchion, I can achieve that! Not only that, but it's my birthright to use it! It has spent enough time collecting dust wherever you hid it. Please, give me this chance."

Lissa popped up. "Chrom's right! I've never even seen the Falchion in person before, only pictures!" she exclaimed. "Heck, if I saw him wielding it, I sure will be inspired!"

I smiled at Lissa. "Thank you, Little Sister." She gave me a thumbs up in response.

I expected there to be prolonged silence, for Emm to spend time dwelling on it. However: "You're not ready."

Her words were like a smack in the face. I was more shocked than hurt. "I'm sorry...what?" I stammered.

Frederick was in a similar state as me. "Your Grace, you must hear Chrom out! I can assure you that-"

"My answer is final," Emm said once more, standing up and crossing over to me. "It is not a reflection of your abilities, Chrom. Not at all. However, the kingdom is also not ready for Falchion's return. I am afraid having the blade as our beacon of hope will send the message that we are resulting to violence to solve this problem."

It was hard to think of words to say. "But I...they... They are the ones who started it! They are the ones using violence!"

"And we will not indulge them of what they want." Emm placed a hand on my shoulder. "You will wield the Falchion in due time, I promise you that, but now is not that time." She turned to Lissa. "I apologize, but I think that we should end this for the day. I need some air." And with that, she left the room.

I stared at the door for what felt like hours. The feeling of Lissa's hand on mine pulled me from my trance. "I-I'm so sorry, Big Brother."

"I had no idea that she would react that way!" Frederick exclaimed. "Don't let this discourage you, Milord. You may not be able to use Falchion as your light of hope for the people, but just know that they are already hopefully because of the brave people who are already out fighting."

Gods, this was a blow to my self-esteem. Still, Frederick is right. I can't fight whole armies by myself. I'm only as good a fighter as those around me. ...Wait a moment. "The people are hopeful because of those fighting for them... People are stronger as a whole, not by themselves..."

Lissa tugged on my arm, a faint smile on her lips. "Chrom?"

Then, it hit me. This could work. Gods be damned, it can definitely work! Even if it doesn't bring me closer to Falchion, I will still be protecting the Ylissean people! And that is all that matters! I don't need a blade to permit me to do that!

"Guys, I have a really crazy idea that could turn out a mess or brilliant. And I need your help."

Frederick smiled proudly. "You can always rely on me."

Lissa was all but exploding with joy. "You can count me in!"

All I need now is to learn how to lead an army...


What's this boi planning? Hmmmm... He just wants to use the shiny sword thing. Yeah, my mind is totally blank. XD So if you haven't checked it out already, my Christmas mini-series, The Best is Yet to Come, has been published! I would really appreciate if you read it! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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