Getting to Safety

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"Oww... Why the hell did I think this was a good idea...?" I winced in pain as I put weight on my right leg. "I should've waited until my leg healed a bit and then go off to find a village!" Damnit, Evelina! You can't act on adrenaline! You have a child to care for, now! "I-I don't even know where I'm going! I'm completely lost! I haven't seen anyone or anything in miles! I'm as good as dead!"

Damnit...this is bad... This is really bad!

Just then, I saw another person on the path. Oh, thank the gods! I waved to her, and she waved back. We approached one another and I was able to get a better look at her. She had a neat red ponytail, and she looked like she was a merchant. Holding her hand was a little girl who looked no older than five...and also looked exactly like her mother.

"How may I help you?" The woman asked in a cheery tone.

"Oh, I was wondering if you knew where the nearest town was?" I asked, holding Anna closer to me. I don't know who I can and can't trust anymore... I hate this feeling, but it's the only way to protect Anna!

The woman smiled and pulled out a map. She pointed to an area in Plegia close to the Ylissean border. "The closest town is a small town called Yarrin. My daughter and I just came from there. It's about three miles that way," she pointed north. "Just keep following the path and you won't get lost!" She handed me the map. "Here! You can keep it! I have plenty more!"

I took the map graciously and sighed in relief. "Thank you so much, ma'am!" I bowed. "This will really come in handy! Once again, thank you!"

The woman winked. "Hey, no problem! It's the least I could do for a lost traveler!"

"Mama, I thought you said nothing in this world is free?" The little girl asked, tugging at her mother's arm.

The woman flinched and flashed a nervous grin. She bent down to her daughter. "Yes, sweetie! But this is how you sell things! The more humble and kind you are to someone, the more inclined they are to buy things from you! It's simple salesmanship, Anna!"

"Umm... Am I interrupting something?"

The woman snapped back to me. "Oh! No! My apologies!" she laughed, standing back up. "You see, I'm from a family of merchants, and I'm teaching my daughter the craft! It's the family business!"

I smiled and looked at her daughter, then her. "I see... Is everyone in your family a merchant?" I asked.

"Yup!" she quipped. "I'm a merchant, my mother was a merchant, my grandmother was a merchant, my sisters are merchants, my cousins are merchants, everyone is a merchant!"

"That's...certainly interesting..."

"Oh, where are my manners?" The woman grinned. "I'm Anna, and this is my daughter, Anna!"

"'re both Anna?" I stared in disbelief at them. "Let me guess: everyone in your family-"

"Is named Anna! Yes!" she chirped. "I know, very original. Now, what's this little one's name?"

I smiled nervously. "Um, well...Anna." I replied.

Anna's eyes widened. "Oh, really?!" she gasped. "Huh! Small world! Hey, any chance, are you-"

"Evelina. My name is Evelina," I giggled. "We're a one Anna family, unfortunately."

Anna chuckled. "Haha! I see! Well, I won't keep you any longer!" she waved at us. "You and Anna stay safe, alright?"

I waved back. "We will! And same to you and Anna!" I laughed.

Just before I was about to turn away, Anna said one more thing. "And be careful! We're near the Ylissean-Plegian border, this area is prone to fights."

I nodded and held onto my daughter protectively. "Of course. Thank you." ...I'm trying to get into Ylisse, though... My Anna isn't safe in Plegia... Maybe Anna knows a way to cross the border. "Hey, Anna? I'm trying to get into Ylisse. Do you possibly know any way I could do that?"

Anna pondered the question for a moment. "Well... I heard that there's a wagon system in Yarrin that transports people from Plegia to Ylisse and vice versa... You could try that, but it will cost you an awful lot of coin. If you're that desperate to leave Plegia, it's your best option."

I nodded. "Alright, thank you," I said. "You've been a tremendous help, Anna!"

She winked at me, taking her daughter's hand. "No problem! And if you see one of my sisters, tell them you know Anna! They'll give you a discount!" And with that, we went on our separate ways.

I looked down at my Anna, she opened her beautiful eyes at me. "Well, that was confusing, little one!" I chuckled. "We can do this! We're almost to safety!" I limped along the path, eager to find the town.


I made sure to know the price of the wagon transport before I spent any of the money I had anywhere. 1,000 gold?! That's enough to rent a small apartment with! Luckily, I took enough money with me, so I'll be able to cover the trip, and have some leftover. The wagon left tomorrow night, I'd have to lay low until then. Exhausted, I made my way through the town, hoping to find an inn or tavern.

Let's just say the town itself wasn't very...friendly. It was more of a slum than a town, really. The houses were worn down, the people were poor and withered, and every now and then, you'll see the occasional beaten soldier. No doubt this is a result of the war... It's so close to the battlefield! Nowhere is safe...

I tried my best to keep looking forward and shield Anna away from this chaos. Eventually, I found a tavern and checked into a room. An old woman took me to my room and handed me the key. She said nothing the whole time. Ok...I want to get out of here as soon as possible! I opened the door to my room and was immediately overwhelmed by an outrageous stench. Oh, gods... What is that?! Actually, I don't wanna know... I took one more breath of fresh air and headed in.

It was small, dirty, and definitely not worth the 100 gold I just paid for it. The bed was nothing more than a blanket and some hay. I reluctantly sat down and placed Anna on my lap. Even though the room was I mess, I was glad to have somewhere to sleep for the night. It's only for a night... I can do this...


The next night came quicker than I expected. I did a final check to make sure I had everything. Food? Check. Water? Check. Gold? Check. Anna smiled up at me and gurgled. I smiled back. Anna? 100% check. I don't know what I'd do without her... 

A burly man helped a young man into the wagon and then turned to me. "You ready to head out, miss?" he asked.

I let out a breath and hugged Anna tighter to me. "...Yes. I'm ready to leave Plegia. Forever." The man helped me up, and I sat down. 

This is it... homeland... I'm sorry, I never thought I would leave you... But you're no longer a safe place for my daughter and that's unacceptable. Hopefully, Ylisse will be more welcoming... Father? Are you watching us? We're returning to your homeland! You always said you wanted to take me to's too bad you couldn't do that before you passed away... Well, Anna and I are going to start our new life there. In Ylisse. Safe from the Grimleal and Grima! We're going to start our own life and not let anyone or anything control us! From now on, it's just me and Anna!


...Well, that was confusing to write! Too many Annas! XD. Good news! I have a new computer, so I'll be able to write everything at my normal pace again! Yay! I'm so sorry for the long wait for new chapters, but I plan on writing even more from now on! Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Faster Car: Loving Caliber & Anders Lystell

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