Proud of Who I am

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4 Months Later...

"Steady... You don't want to startle her."

"I am being steady! You're just overbearing!"

"Careful! Being in distress while riding can lead to bad things!"

I groaned, gripping the reins a little too tightly. I don't even care at this point. I have to wring something that's not Frederick's neck!

I've ridden plenty of times before, but I haven't had traditional lessons. Until now, that is. A part of my training was learning how to handle combat on horseback. Frederick was already well-trained in cavalry, so he decided that he would be the one to teach me.

However, I couldn't figure out who he was more worried about: me or his mare.

"Frederick, we've been walking in a circle for a half hour and I haven't died," I sighed. "I think I'm getting the hang of this."

The knight shook his head. "We haven't even gotten started, Milord! This is just a quick preview of what is to come! It will be a while until you're in the saddle again," he said. "After this, you are to learn the anatomy of horses and how to care for them. Next, you must learn about all of the equipment and how to keep them in top shape."

I have no oppositions to learning all of that stuff, but he's still insufferable sometimes! I'm sure Sully learned all of this stuff in a quarter of the time Frederick is going to take!

The mare balked before coming to a complete stop. "Huh? I didn't tell her to do that."

Frederick clicked his tongue. "No, but she won't listen to you any longer." He ran a hand through his brown hair. "She may be well-broken, but she still has an attitude. You have much to learn."

Maybe she would be more receptive to my commands if you let me do more than walk!!! I drew in a breath, tampering down the dull throb in my temples. "Fine. I guess that means we're done for the day. I promised Lissa that I would play with her, so I don't have much time left, anyway."

He sighed. "Very well. Let me assist you down. We will continue these lessons tomorrow."


"Chrom!" Lissa ran up to me. She was about to tackle me into a hug but stopped a few feet short. "You smell like horses!"

I chuckled. "Probably because I was with horses." I ruffled her blonde hair. "Let me get changed and we can play, ok?"

She nodded, a smiled wide on her face. "Ok!"

About ten minutes later - after I washed myself of dirt and changed into nicer clothes - I entered Lissa's room, where she was waiting for me. She was sitting at the foot of her bed, kicking her legs and staring at her hands.

"Something wrong, sis?" I asked, sitting down next to her. She didn't even acknowledge me. She just kept staring down. What is wrong with her? She was energetic just a moment ago! "Hey, what's up? Why are you so blue all of a sudden?"

Her lip quivered. "Am I really your sister?"

That question made it feel like the winds had been knocked straight out of me. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Am I your sister? Like, actually your blood-related sister?"

My throat felt dry. "Y-yes! Of course, you are! I was right there when you were born! You are 100% my sister!" I exclaimed, taking her hand and squeezing. "Trust me, you are."

She turned to me, eyes boring into mine. "Then where is my Brand?"


"Where is my Brand?!" she said again, tears starting to form. "I'm almost ten years of age, and my Brand hasn't surfaced! I have no proof that I'm really a part of the royal family!"

My heart shattered. ...This must have been on her mind for quite some time, now. I can tell. "Lissa..." I pulled her into a hug. "You don't need a Brand to prove you're a part of our family. Just...please. Take my word for it. And - hypothetically speaking - even if we weren't blood-related, you're still my little sister. You're still an important part of our family."

She looked up at me. "Really?"

"Really," I smiled. "Never forget that."

She still looked unsatisfied. "I can't help but... Never mind. Forget it."

I tightened my embrace. "No, tell me."

She let out a breath. "I know that I sound really mean for saying this, but I'm jealous of you. I think you're selfish."

I raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

She gestured to my right shoulder. "You cover up your Brand! Like you want to hide it!" she exclaimed.

My breath caught in my throat. "Wh-what?" Shame began to fill me. "I mean... I never really meant to hide it. I just cover it up subconsciously. When it first surfaced, I wanted to dissapear, yeah, but I got over that."

" least you have a Brand to show..."

I didn't really know what to say. "L-Lissa, this is something that is kind of hard for me to control," I said. "Emm can't cover her's, so it's constantly showing. Father's was on his left hand, but it only showed when he didn't wear gloves. Mine is right on my shoulder where sleeves cover it."

"I know...but still... I-I don't... I just wish you would show pride for your Brand every once and a while." That was all she could say before bursting into tears.

I held her tight, not caring about the mess she was making. Gods, she's right. I never really thought about my Brand after it surfaced. I hated the damn thing. I used to think of it as a reminder of Father's doings. Almost like a curse. Now, it's a symbol of peace; something to prove my relation the first Exalt.

...It is a part of who I am. It's never going to leave. It's about time I start showing my pride for my family.


I drew in a deep breath, my voice echoing through the empty halls. I just have to make it to breakfast. I can do this.

As I turned the corner into the dining hall, Emm turned to me. Lissa was already seated. "Chrom! Good morning-" Her eyes widened. "...There's a tear in your shirt."

I help my head high and waltzed over to her. "I know. It's supposed to be that way." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lissa smiling widely. "From now on, I want all of the right sleeves cut from my shirts."

Emm's face still read confusion, but her eyes twinkled with pride. "...As you wish, Chrom. I'll have Frederick tell the tailors at once."

"Thank you."

I'm so sorry this is late. I had a busy morning and I can't be on long. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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