"I don't have any ID on me, I don't even have my wallet for god sakes!" Harry's voice was escalating. I didn't understand who he was talking to and why they were not letting him in.

"They have pretty heavy hospital security outside of your door, I'll let him in."  Niall approached the door and opened it to reveal a wide eyed and frustrated Harry.

"It's alright, let him in."

Once Harry made eye contact with me, it seemed like he was by my side within seconds. He looked me up and down with a mixture of concern and relief expressed all over his face

"Sara," he needed to pause and collect his thoughts. "When you got shot I thought I had lost you for good. Are you feeling okay, love? They told me you had surgery! Has the doctor said anything about your condition? I can't believe how much blood there was, are you in any pain right now? If you are, I can-"

"Harry," I cut him off, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "I'm okay, baby."

Harry let out one long exhausted breath and kissed my forehead. Addison was now reaching for Harry so he unquestionably picked her up with his uninjured side and held her close.

"We'll give you two some time." Samantha commented before her and Niall left the room. Harry sat down on the bed next to me and his eyes never left my gaze. I didn't have to ask what he was doing because I already knew. He was looking at every detail of my face as if it was the last time he would ever see it. He couldn't believe I was actually here and needed the reassurance that I was. I knew what he was doing because I was doing the exact same.

"I didn't know if I would ever see those beautiful blue eyes again." He explained. I didn't know how to respond but in a way I didn't need to.

Our untainted silence continued as Harry stroked the hair out of my face. Addison was sitting contently on his lap and I was unbelievably relieved to finally have my family with me.

As the next few weeks progressed, I regained mobility and strength in my shoulder but was left with the scar that haunted me every time I looked in the mirror. Harry told me to look at in with the perspective that I've overcome something but I couldn't help but think of the man that tried to hurt me and my family.

I still have nightmares. I'm learning to deal with them but I'm not going to lie and say its been easy. With the constant lack of sleep and nonexistent energy, it feels like all Im doing is trying to keep my head above water. The only thing saving me from drowning is Harry. He's been my rock ever since we both entered the hospital and even after we were finally allowed to come home. Harry hasn't left my side in the time it took me to recover both mentally and physically, even reluctantly turning down opportunities to do anything press related. Inevitably, the media around us has multiplied exponentially since everything has happened that it made things extremely difficult to even leave the house which we rarely did anymore.

With Samantha and Niall's wedding now only a few weeks away, planning served as a great distraction from everything I've been dealing with. Samantha and I were flying to Ireland today to figure out a few more things regarding the venue and where we'll be staying so I definitely had that to look forward to. Anne flew in immediately once she found out everything that had happened and has been helping out tremendously so I'm glad she'll be here while Samantha and I are gone.

The added security we had around us now made me less anxious but I felt the need to always know and be aware of my surroundings whenever I left the house and thankfully we would be having personal security staff traveling with us on Sam and I's trip. For some reason flying has brought some sort of odd comfort for me now knowing I was so far off the ground and away from all my adversities.

"I believe this calls for a toast." Samantha said holding her glass of champagne in front of her. I looked away from the window of the plane and did the same. "To best friends, love, and of course, weddings"

We both shared a laugh and drank from our glass. It was time that I finally let loose and did something for myself for a change because god knows I needed it.

"So tell me about your honeymoon, have you guys decided on your destination yet?" I asked, fixing the seat buckle I was strapped under so that I was more comfortable. Looking at Samantha's she had a easy up-do consisting of a messy bun with a strand of hair purposely left untucked- a style she was known to pull off.

"We finalized all the bookings a couple days ago and decided to go to Bora Bora. There is an island out that that is absolutely gorgeous and completely sanctioned off from everything else so I don't have to worry about paparazzi trying to spoil out honeymoon-well at least not worry as much."

"That sounds amazing, Sam! Have I ever told you how happy I am for you guys?" I gestured, taking another sip from my glass.

"Only about a thousand times." She laughed. "But thank you, it means a lot."

"Do you sometimes just sit back and think about how far we've come and all the things we've done and accomplished?" She asked.

"How on earth did we think moving in with 5 boys was ever a good idea?" We laughed, reminiscing on times when we were young and naive. "And now you have a beautiful family with Harry, I'm getting married to the love of my life, we're building our own house, and I couldn't be happier."

With all the negativity that's been going on, you start to forget all the things you have to be thankful for. I was blessed with a beautiful daughter and a man that has been with me through all of the ups and downs, I had amazing friends and family that loved me, and I'm watching my best friend marry the man of her dreams.

"If you told me this would be my life when I was 16, I would have thought you were absolutely crazy." I said, agreeing with everything she was saying.

"But speaking of the house, have you heard anything from the builders?" I asked, changing the context slightly.

"Niall's been the one who's keeping in contact with them and then relaying the information onto me but as far as I know everything is going according to plan. The foundation was laid out a couple weeks ago and the frame has already been built. Walls are being put up pretty soon then we're waiting on electrical and plumbing and all that fun stuff."

"Having our own place is going to be incredible. We'll be able to start a family in the future, host parties and gatherings- I'm just really excited." She explained, a happy grin spread across her face. We returned our champagne glasses to the hostess coming around and moved our conversation to a couch shaped seating.

"Have you guys talked about kids at all?" I asked, acknowledging Samantha's mention about one day starting a family.

"We have," she said, trailing off. "But it's kind of a touchy subject right now. Niall is really eager to have kids but a part of me wants to wait and enjoy married life for a little while. I think he sees the way Addison is with you guys. But don't get me wrong, I can't wait for the day to have kids but I don't want to rush into it and then regret missing out on life experiences we otherwise would have had."

"I can see where your coming from. I love Addison and would never trade her for anything in the world but there were some things I had to give up. Granted I did have her at a young age. Now you and Niall are old enough to raise a family and think about what you want. I know you guys will figure it out."

And that they did. The next few weeks went by faster then any of us could have ever expected. Before we knew it, the big day was right in front of us and no one could have imagined the memories it would bring.


(A/N As always, thank you to everyone who has read this chapter and all the other chapters!! I just wanted to let everyone know that is the second last chapter which means the next one will be the last one for the sequel. It has been a long journey with these two books but I'm excited to have this journey come to and end and see what writing is like in the future! )

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