In This Country

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In this country
Everyone thinks
That they have tomorrow

In my country
Everyone is in a rush
But they don't live in today, the live in tomorrow.
Always wanting- always needing

I'm about done with these people
All you tell me is wait
And I'm a patient person
For  now.

But I'm so close
To breaking
I want to scream
To yell- but I know I shouldn't

These people.
Think that I have tomorrow
And they have been saying that since last week.

I started to ask about this two months ago
And now I cant go home
Because these people always have tomorrow.

Note: I'm super aggravated. I want to go home to my home country but I need an immigration card. And if i don't have an immigration card I need a waiver to leave the country.

But the people who were in charge of all of this mess didn't do their job. And the people who I'm having to deal with.. Most of them. They look at me and they don't care. They seem to have a desk job that they don't enjoy and I'm annoyed that all I hear is wait.

I don't have tomorrow. I waited a whole week and before that I waited two months. All I want to do is go home.

A culture barrier I will never bypass. 


Note: Luckily, I was able to get my Immigration card. All I needed was to get it printed after changing information on it. (: (2.3.19)

Post 18 of 2019

A Barrier Meant To Be BrokenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant