Who I Strive To Be

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"The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do it." —Rob Siltanen

Though the future may not be clear

What is clear is that I will not give up

I will never give up on myself

Despite the temptation of an easy life style

What I hope to achieve is to become someone in history

I want to leave a legacy behind.

When people see my name they'll know that I changed the world

Even if I don't get to meet these people that I inspire

I hope that one day, my life will be this way.

However, I do have fear. But that's normal.

I want to change the education system. I want to help people in both the U.S and the Philippines.

I know that I can't do that alone.

But my fear is... That I have a habit of losing myself in my work.

It causes me to take for granted the people that are in my life. Though I don't lose them, my relationship with them will be effected.

These people will always support me and I will always support them

But how close I am to them may change

And my fear is that in the end, I will achieve what I am striving

But I lose who I am in the process.

Hopefully, that will not be the case.

But if I didn't fear, then I wouldn't strive.

For how can a person gain if there is nothing to lose?


A barrier I foresee but I hope I can surpass. -DJ

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