Never the less....some small skirmishes are being fought throughout the vast lands of the Philippine archipelago between the monsters and the hunters.

About the Action and fantasy.

Not much is going to be explain from this section....

Its literally a power fantasy book where characters shoots fireballs in their hand after an incantation 🤣.

Characters can morph into an animal or monster at will, can call upon a freakin flaming golden sword or an arrow made of blood from nothingess.

Can control the freakin weather and can command lightning to strike down foes.

The action is not only limited to powers and sorcery, because it also has conventional weapon warfare where some characters uses guns and explosive to fight other enemies.

The action scene and fights is composed of magic and technology that makes it unique compared to other story of the same genre as an Action power-fantasy

About the Story and lore.

The story revolves not only on the main characters point of view but Also from the point of view of others around him giving the readers a more vast view of the world building and the happenings outside of the main characters surroundings giving more space to the lores to be explored.

Not much is said at the beginning of the story but as you dig deeper and deeper, an interesting lore will unviel weither its from the characters perspective and backstory or from the ever expanding world of the story.

From the mystery of the infamous cursed clan of monsters that doesn't exist anymore or the neverending conflict of the mangangaso and the monsters.

From the mysterious power that the main character aquired or from the girl who is fighting and killing her own kind without proper known reason.

From the never ending fued of the two most powerful clan and they're history together.

An expansion of hidden lore waiting to be unvieled by the readers.

About the comedy.

As the plot is kinda heavy, it needs to have a little comedy to lighten up and balanced the story.

Whats more effective to do that than to add some comedic scene and events.

There's this two characters who will do a gag, funny conversation and wierd things from time to time just to be funny, the two are considered as a comic relief characters but also plays a major role in the series.

Nevertheless...the comedy is not only limited when the said characters is around, from time to time a comedic event will occure that will make the story more engaging to read.

About the horror.

A story that revolves around the Philippine mythological creature and monsters, the story has some horror elements in it that adds in spicing up the lore in the worldbuilding, although the horror always gets overshadowed by the fast and heavy action plotted scenes, its worth mentioning its significance in the story as a fridge lore that can give anxiety to the readers and think about what will happen next or what will happen to some characters...leaving them thinking that bad or grotesque will happen behind the scenes.

About the romance and the characters.

Let's not forget the romance in the story, its one of the main genre of the book.

The story follows the life of an adolescent highschool student who is not familiar with love, relationships and so on....

As the story progress the main character will learn the true meaning of love and develope how the way he perceives it.

Having someone to protect and the feeling to protect that someone is what urges the main character to be strong.

As the logline of the story said.

" Are you ready to make the whole world your enemy just for her"

Things to consider in reading this story.

The story had been rebooted and rewritten many times by the author for a lot of reasons so if your an old reader and got confuse by the sudden change of the plot then, my bad... I'm realy sorry, i realy am🙃.... you'll just have to read the first chapter up to the latest😎.

If your new to this series, then welcome aboard the adventure train, theres no much to say ...just start reading because great things is waiting to be unfold, i can assure you that you will not waste your time in this series.

The pacing of the update is quite random because of the author's line of work (works on a ship a seafarer more precise 😃🚢⚓) where its always busy.

Number one problem for the series that you will notice is it has some typing errors that can affect the reading engagements so please be advice 🙃.

Also lastly.....

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Final word.

Happy reading the story awaits you.

Itim at pula reboot

Itim at pula reboot

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