Chapter 33: Rise Up Again III

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Yixing and his team walk to the boutique building and stand infront of the building,checking the surrounding if it safe or not.

"Get inside"Yixing command to the team and they walk inside the boutique.

It is really big building and only have 2 level.This boutique is very famous in this state and have the best design ever.But now,it destroy.Destroy by the Black Knights Lab & Research.

"I think there is some of the zombies hanging around at the stock room underground"Hyungwon said while standing infront of the door to the underground section.

"There is too many of them and there is 2 victims underground"Luhan said.

"My tracking watch didn't show any sign of victim at this level,I think what Hyungwon said is true"Chaewon said and look at them.

"But we have to check out at level 2 too since our tracking watch are out of battery and can't track something far"Yixing said to them.

"Okay..we split up"Kihyun give a suggestion.

"4 and 3"Yixing said.

Now,Yixing,Chaewon and Jackson while Luhan,Xiumin,Kihyun and Hyungwon.

"Let's go"Jackson said and they split up.

Yixing,Chaewon and Jackson walk upstairs using the big staircase.They didn't find any sign of victim survive but they only find a dark green liquid on the floor sign that there is a zombies before they come here.

"I think there is no victims here,because my tracking watch didn't beep since we are up here"Chaewon said.

Jackson bend down and take the black nametag already cracken.

' Lee Taeyong '
*under Black Unit*

"Its written Lee Taeyong here and I wonder who the hell is he?"Jackson said and show Yixing and Chaewon the name.

Chaewon seems to know who is Lee Taeyong but when she want to recall it,her head hurt so bad that almost explode.

"Chaewon? You okay?"Yixing ask as he touch Chaewon shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine"Chaewon said and trying to look okay infront of them.

Then,Chaewon walk far from them and touch her head.

"I think I know who it is but why my mind can't recall it?"Chaewon mumbling alone.

Chaewon shake her head and look around and notice Jackson and Yixing is right there looking at her weirdly.She just give the both of them the weird smile and Yixing sigh heavily.


Jaemin walk to Nari who were sleeping on the bed.He take out a knife and look around the knife.

"I will kill you Nari!"Jaemin said and stab Nari stomach.

"NO!"Nari shout in the room making the nurse walk in the room in rush.

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