Chapter 12: Mansion Area

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The team arrive at the mansion area.The helicopter left after sending them down.They walk silently inside the mansion residential area.They have no idea how many zombies are there because they can't even detect them.Changkyun look around while counting how many mansion are there.

"We have 10 mansion here"Changkyun said.

"But the mansion is big"Jackson said.

"Of course it's big dumwit,it's a mansion"Kris said glaring at Jackson.

"We have 3 team so,we go 3 mansion first"Jungkook said and all of them agree.

They team up like their old team and go to the mansion.Nari who just arrive discussing with her teammates.Nari alone will be going to mansion 6,Namjoon and Jin will be going to mansion 7,Yoongi and Hoseok at mansion 8 while Taehyung and Jimin at mansion 9.They all go their team mansion and rescue the victims.

While team 1 were infront the house.The zombies is knocking the mansion window using their head.Lucas and the team look at each other.

"I swear zombies are all stupid"Kris said and laughing.

"Yes they are stupid but they are smart at attacking humans"Kai said and glare at him.

"We should kill them or we should rescue the victims?"Jooheon ask looking at his teammates.

"Rescue is better than killing the zombies because we will waste our time here"Wonho said.

"Let's go inside"Shownu said.

All of them walk in the mansion using the back door and gladly the zombies didn't notice them.They walk inside the mansion and found the victims in the living room.Only 5 victims in the mansion.They bring out the victims from the mansion and go outside the mansion area.

Right now,team 2 are in mansion 2,they were struggling to rescue the victims because there are too many zombies hanging around the house.

"Shoot them and we can rescue the victims"Yixing said.

They agree and attack the zombies with their shotgun and sniper.They don't even care how many zombies are there.Their mission is to rescue the victims before it's too late.After 45 minutes of struggling,they finally can get inside the mansion.They found the victims upstairs in the bedroom and yes they save 7 victims.

While at the other part,team 3 are now inside the mansion and already rescue the victims which is only 3 victims.They meet up with team 1 and team 2 at the safe zone with other victims.Then,team 2 go to mansion 4 while team 3 go to mansion 5.Team 2 rescue 8 victims while team 3 rescue 6 victims.

Nari are now inside the mansion 6 and rescue all the victims one by one from the room.She get 9 victims with her.When she go downstairs,she get attack by the zombies but she use her samurai to kill the zombies.

"Nari,this is me Namjoon,me and Jin got 4 victims,Yoongi and Hoseok got 6 victims while Taehyung and Jimin is still struggling"

"Okay I get that,I will help Taehyung and Jimin and you guys take my victims with you to the safe zone if you can"


Nari meet her teammates outside the mansions and give her victims to her team.She run inside mansion 9 and shook seeing Jimin and Taehyung being attack by the zombies.She eye contact with Jimin to stay shut and let her settle.

Nari take her crossbow and she shoot her bolt right on the zombies head one by one.Then,after the zombies see her,she run to them and fly her samurai and all of the zombies head fall down on the floor.

"Let's go"Nari said and bring the victims to the others.

When she reach at the safe zone,she shook when she see her teammates are kneeling down while she see Lucas and the others pointing their sniper to them.

"Let them go!"Nari shout and they look at Nari.

"Nari..."Yumi said.

Nari,Jimin and Taehyung help the others open the rope from their hands.

"Nari..we haven't go to mansion 10"Namjoon said.

Then,Nari watch to detect someone beep and vibrate for a long time.She look at the screen and Jaemin name pop up.

"Jaemin!"Nari shout looking at the watch.

"I have to go"Nari said and run to mansion 10 following by her teammates and some from team 1.

Nari open the door and someone point a gun at her right on her head.

"Kneel down"He said.

Nari kneel down while looking at Jaemin and the others victims being tied up.

"What do you want?!"Nari ask.

She use her hand tied up from behind to contact with the teammates who follow her to use backyard to get inside.Nari look from her corner of her eyes and they run to the backyard.

"I bet Jaemin waiting for you since I found this sweet picture of you together with him"The guy with the mask said.

Nari actually have a knife behind her and use it to cut the rope tied up and quickly take her pistol and point at them.The guy bodyguard point their gun at her.

"Shoot me if you want to go to the prison"I said and they look so confuse.

"I'm the daughter of London Lab&Research owner"Nari said and they seem shook.

"Who are you and who send you here?"Lucas ask as the others point their gun at the guy and his bodyguard.

Suddenly a group of police barge in and arrest the guy and his bodyguard.

"They are outsiders and come to take this rich people and sell them"The police said and they leave.

Nari run to Jaemin and open his rope for him and the others.Jaemin walk to Nari and hug her.

"Thank you"Jaemin said.

Nari give him her sweet smile and they walk together to the safe zone.Nari phone ringing.This is the first time she bring her phone.

"Yes mom"Nari answer.

"When you will be back? You leave you didn't tell me"

"I will be back later okay"Nari said and end the call.

One private jet have arrive and the helicopter for the team already arrive.Nari's private jet arrive and her teammates with Jaemin teammates get in the private jet.The private jet and helicopter leave to the main lab.

1052 words

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