Chapter 21: Attack

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Nari and her teammates go back to their main lab after they get a call from the boss.Yet,they were satisfied because they finally get a rest in a week.They arrive at the main lab and quickly pack their stuff in their backpack and wear their outfits.

"Let's go guys! We don't have much time"Nari shout at the hallaways infront of the getting ready centre.

Nari and the others run to the helipad and get inside their helicopter.Nari loot her bullet.

"Use your pistol instead of sniper until it ran out of bullet,I'm scared that we might lost contact or maybe the zombies attack rise up later"Nari said.

Her teammates nod understanding while Nari give the notes to the other team using her walkie talkie.


They arrive at the Sky Zone area with their black team which is like a cop team.Nari and the others split up without saying anything.

Team 5 is heading to the office building with team 3 and team 4.Nari and the others arrive at the apartment building.

Namjoon and Seokjin walk in the office building with 2 cops and go straight to the emergency door and use the stairs to get upstairs.Suddenly,a group of zombie walk downstairs towards them and Namjoon and Jin quickly shoot them using the pistol.

Jimin,Taehyung and Hoseok follow Namjoon and Seokjin upstairs.They open the door of level 2 and shock because there is a lot of zombies finding their victims at that level.

They didn't go to level 1 because their tracking watch didn't show any sign of victims in it.Taehyung hide under the wooden table with Jimin.The zombies notice them but they were too quiet until the zombies walk away from there.

Then,Namjoon,Seokjin and Hoseok walk and hide behind the wall.Hoseok aim his pistol to a group of zombies and start to shooting them.Taehyung and Jimin slap their temple and stand up and start to kill the zombies in the level.

"We gonna die soon because there is too many here"Jimin said.

"Just shoot them"Namjoon said and kill another zombie infront of him.

They start to kill the zombie again and then find the victims at level 2.

"I found them"Seokjin said after he open the room door.

"Don't worry,you are okay now,is there anyone else in the building? Maybe you can help us to safe them"Seokjin try so hard to convince them.

"They are all at level 10 and that is the only level that is safe and the others die because of the zombies"The blonde hair girl said.

"You bring them downstairs at the front door of the office and wait for us and make sure to call helicopter"Namjoon said to the cops.

They nod and walk out from level 2 with the victims.Namjoon look at each of his teammates and think for a while.

"We should go to level 10 now"Jimin said looking at his tracking watch.

They nod and walk upstairs and burst in level 10.They look around them while walking slowly to make sure they didn't make any sound to attract the zombies.

They walk to one of the room because they see people head in there.Maybe there is a victims in there.Taehyung open the door slowly and the victims look at him and the others.

"Are you the rescuing team?"One of the girl ask.

"Yes we are"Namjoon answer her.

"Let's send them downstairs"Hoseok said.

They bring the victims outside the level 10 and tell them to run downstairs to the front door and meet the cops.They did what Namjoon told them and then the team proceed to run to level 29.

"We should split up I guess"Hoseok said.

"Okay"Namjoon said.

Taehyung and Jimin safe the victims at level 29 while Hoseok and Seokjin and level 36 and Namjoon at level 42.

Taehyung and Jimin walk in the level and go to one by one of the room until they get attack by a group of zombie that almost bite them.They were fast enough and kill them using a pistol.

Jimin heard a shouting and gushing Taehyung to go to together to the last room.They burst in and see 2 zombies attack the victims and one of them hit the zombie with a pipe.Jimin and Taehyung kill the zombies using their pistol and help the victims to get out from there.

While at level 36,the level were fill with a bang sound everywhere.Seokjin and Hoseok try to push their energy as much as they can to kill the zombies because it's too many and the victims were hiding under the big table.

"Last one!"Seokjin shout and shoot the zombie.

They were breathing in and out take an air as much as they can and try to relax themselves.Hoseok walk to the table and convince the victims that nothing will happen after this.Then,they bring the victims out from the level and bump onto Namjoon and his 2 victims running downstairs.

"Run!!!"Namjoon said and they were shock so they run downstairs and go to the front door.

"Go to the safe building!"Namjoon shout while running.

They run inside a clothing store and hide in it.They see the zombies were looking for them.They sigh in relief.

"Namjoon,I have call the helicopter and they will be here"One of the cops said.

"Okay"Namjoon said.

They hide inside the clothing store until the helicopter arrive and give them a bullet and then they leave to the main lab.

Namjoon and his teammates walk over to team 4 to help them rescue the victims.But they stop at one of the coffee store.

"Why are we stopping here? We almost there"Seokjin said and look at Namjoon weirdly.

"We have to loot our pistol bullet"Namjoon explain while showing his empty pistol.

"But isn't that we can use other weapons?"Seokjin ask again.

"We should safe it later,the zombies attack will rise up at anytime"Taehyung said.

Seokjin nod understanding.They loot their pistol and then walk to team 4 office building.

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