Chapter 10: Main Lab

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They arrive at the main lab after 2 hours.Nari is quickly bring to the quarantine ward for her serious medication which is at level 36.While the others were bring to level 30 for further medication and check up.After 1 hour,they finish their medical things.

Kris bring Nari backpack with the others to Nari's lab to clean their things.Kris put Nari excalibur inside the cupboard which written "excalibur".He look beside the cupboard and found another excalibur which the grip crave "Jaemin".He wondering who is Jaemin since this name is everywhere around the room.He look at Nari's table and found a picture frame which is Nari smiling with a guy and that guy is hugging her.

"Who gonna check our things?"Yumi ask the others who busy cleaning their stuff using a virus soap.

"I will"Someone said at the doorframe and it's Nari's staff.

"Okay"Chaewon said but the others are unsure about this girl.

The girl smile at Lucas sweetly but Chaewon and Yumi glare at her.

"Didn't she know that Lucas have a girlfriend"Chaewon said.

"Bitch knows but being bitchy"Yumi said.

"Lucas! You should go and visit Nari at the quarantine ward since she is your girlfriend"Chaewon said making the girl shook.

"I'm heading there now"Lucas said.

While Nari in the quarantine ward breath using the help from the oxygen machine and she using the heartbeat machine.Her body full with wire and the machine show her heartbeat rate,her health condition,her health percentage and also the zombie virus percentage.

Lucas look at the machine.

Heartbeat rate; 76
Health condition; not stable
Health percentage; 21%
Zombie virus percentage; 89%

Lucas face change when he look at the machine,Kris walk pass by and stop looking at Nari.Chaewon and Yumi look at the machine when they reach there.

"Is she gonna alive?"Lucas ask them and tears start to fall down from his cheeks.

"It will take 3 days for her to fully recover if you see from her zombie virus percentage"Kris said.

They sigh heavily looking at Nari condition.


After 3 days,Lucas and the others visit Nari and they look at the machine beside her while the doctor check on her.

Heartbeat rate; 100
Health condition; stable
Health percentage; 100%
Zombie virus percentage; 0%

The doctor take off the machine and all wires attach to Nari.The doctor come out.

"Nari will be awake in 1 hour more"The doctor said to them and leave the hallways.

They walk to the elevator to go their room while waiting for Nari to be awake.

1 hour have pass and from the lab cafe,they use the elevator to go to Nari ward.They walk in when they see Nari already awake.

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