Chapter Seventy-Two

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The final bell of the day rang and I looked for Luke. I saw his tall figure a few lockers away. I walked towards him and I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you ready?" I asked. I was glad I was going to spend time with him.

He turned around and he grabbed both of my hands.

"I'm sorry. How about tomorrow?"


"I'm meeting up with an old friend I haven't seen in years. I didn't know she had moved back and the boys and I are excited to see her again. Im sorry. I love you, Jade." A girl? He wants to see someone else that's not me? I felt a pang of jealousy.

"It's okay," I lied giving him a fake smile. I took my hands away from his and I walked away.

I had already called Ashton and told him I would be going with Luke. Sighing, I looked for Kellin. I spotted him walking towards his car with Johnny and Curtis. I walked towards them and they hadn't noticed me.

"That sucks. You shouldn't try to mess your friendship up," Curtis said.

"I know but I see Jade happy with Luke and I don't know... I don't like the feeling I get. I get jealous, obviously but I can't do anything. She doesn't like me the same way," Kellin sighed. my eyes widened. I back away and walked away.

I didn't want to make things awkward so I walked home.


"Your lipstick is on point," Chloë said.

"What's wrong? You seem off," Hayley said as we got in my car.

"Oh, nothing. I've been feeling funny lately," I said. I didn't want to tell them about how I felt with the whole Ashton situation. But I did feel funny.

"Tell us a joke, please?" Hayley begged.

"Not that kind of funny," I spat and she got quiet.

"Oh god," I mumbled. I felt something rising in my throat.

"Are you okay?" Chloë asked.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine," I said.

"Guys, I'll be back," I said walking to my bathroom and I took out some pregnancy tests. After a while, I looked at the results.


I let out a scream and I sat on the floor hugging my knees.

"Steph, are you okay?!" I heard Chloë ask.

I quickly out the tests behind some medicine in the cabinets and I stood up. I fixed my skirt and I wiped my tears away.

I couldn't handle this.

I opened the door and found a concerned Hayley and Chloë standing in front of me.

"I'm fine," I said.

Which, I wasn't.


"What school do you go to?" Michael asked Marissa.

"A private school. Umm Western Waves."


"You know Michael wanted your bra, right?" Luke laughed.

"Michael!" she yelled smacking the back of his head.

"Hey, I didn't know it was yours and you're gonna mess up my hair!"

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